Raising Reading Achievement in Middle and High Schools
Five Simple-to-Follow Strategies
- Elaine K. McEwan - The McEwan-Adkins Group
With new research and programmes designed for adolescent learners, this update provides suggestions and developmental tools for administrators to effectively strengthen reading curriculum and teaching. Reading specialists, special education teachers, literacy coaches, intervention specialists, and central office administrators can also use this essential tool for evaluating middle and high school reading programs and formulating school and district improvement goals.
McEwan has enhanced the five strategies of the first edition with seven cognitive strategies of highly effective readers and more than 20 "teaching for learning" tips to infuse into daily content instruction. This indispensable guide helps educators:
• Understand the current state of reading achievement
• Alter the instructional planning and delivery system
• Motivate all students to read, and teach them how to read to learn
• Create reading cultures in schools
An invaluable resource for site-based literacy and improvement teams, and for educators without a reading curriculum background, this comprehensive book encourages leadership and creativity to achieve high levels of literacy in today's classroom.
"Makes a distinct contribution to the field and should be mandatory reading for each and every building principal for every middle, junior high, and high school in the United States."
"Provides a compelling case for strategies and goals based upon research and student achievement. The author offers real school case studies and the goals are clear and understandable."
"The book is based on 20 research-based reading strategies, incorporating these into a teacher's daily curriculum and routines and helping teachers with students who can't seem to learn to read. A 'must-have' reference."
"Offers a reinforcing translation of available results into a practical guide that motivates school administrators and teachers to put research findings into actions."