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Strategic Communication

Strategic Communication

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

November 2014 | 1 680 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

The roots of strategic communication lie in public relations, which has been a well-established concept in countries around the globe for more than 100 years.  In the United States, for instance, this concept has been associated with publicity, promotion, and public policy battles. At times, especially in the early years of the 20th Century, it was seen as inseparable from propaganda and a means for promoting and protecting democracy. The field has developed immeasurably in the past few decades, but strategic communication is still a topic with strong, influential links to a variety of different disciplines, and increasingly relevant in both a professional and academic capacity.

This Major Work captures the definitions, key developments and future of the field through a carefully-selected collection of seminal papers on the topic.

Volume One: Defining Strategic Communication: Groundings, Forewarnings, and Calls to Action

Volume Two: Public Arena: Input, Power, Converging/Diverging Voices, and Tensions
Volume Three:
Discursive and Dialogic Organizations and the Stakeholder View: Social Constructions and Functionalist Perspectives
Volume Four:
The Future of Strategic Communication: Organizational and Societal Well-being, Influences, Measures, and New Directions


Introduction to Master Works In Strategic Communication
Defining Strategic Communication

Kirk Hallahan et al.
Towards a Postmodern Research Agenda for Public Relations

Derina Holtzhausen
Strategic Communication and the Public Sphere from a European Perspective

Günter Bentele and Howard Nothhaft
Strategic Communication: An Institutional Perspective

Swaran Sandhu
Strategic Communication: Pillars and Perspectives of an Alternative Paradigm

Derina Holthauzen and Ansgar Zerfass
Bridging Corporate and Organizational Communication: Review, Development and a Look to the Future

Lars Thøger Christensen and Joep Cornelissen
Reviewing Public Relations Research and Scholarship in the 21st Century

Anne Gregory
How Public Relations Works: Theoretical Roots and Public Relations Perspectives

Øyvind Ihlen and Betteke van Ruler
Contribution of Public Relations to Organizational Strategy Formulation

Benita Steyn
Understanding Strategy in Communication Management

Juliana Raupp and Olaf Hoffjann
Identity Based Views of the Corporation: Insights from Corporate Identity, Organizational Identity, Social Identity, Visual Identity, Corporate Brand Identity and Corporate Image

John Balmer
Public Relations Literacy: Developing Critical Consumers of Public Relations

Sherry Jean Holladay and William Timothy Coombs
Refurnishing the Grunig Edifice: Strategic Public Relations Management, Strategic Communication and Organizational Leadership

Nigel de Bussy
Defining Corporate Communication

Joep Cornelissen
Reputation, Communication, and the Corporate Brand

Peggy Simcic Brønn
Strategic Alignment: A Missing Link in the Relationship between Strategic Consensus and Organizational Performance

Jorge Walter et al.
Defining the “Object” of Public Relations Research: A New Starting Place

Lee Edwards
Public Relations in a Postmodern World

Gary Radford
The Stockholm Accords

Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management
The Melbourne Mandate

Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management
Some Dare Call It Power

Cynthia Hardy and Stewart Clegg
Applying Sociology to Public Relations: A Commentary

Günter Bentele and Stefan Wehmeier
A Public Relations Identity for the 2010s

Øyvind Ihlen and Piet Verhoeven
Epistemological Modesty: Critical Reflections on Public Relations Thought

Robert Brown
Towards a More Dynamic Stakeholder Model: Acknowledging Multiple Issue Arenas

Vilma Luoma-aho and Marita Vos
The Role of Analogy and Metaphor in the Framing and Legitimization of Strategic Change

Joep Cornelissen, Robin Holt and Mike Zundel
Reflective Management: Seeing the Organization as if from Outside

Susanne Holmström
Implications of Complexity Theory for Public Relations: Beyond Crisis

Dawn Gilpin and Priscilla Murphy
Strategy Making and Planning in the Communications Context

Danny Moss
Reframing Trust, Power and Public Relations in Global Financial Discourses: Experts and the Production of Mistrust in Life Insurance

Clea Bourne
Stakeholders, Politics and Power: Towards an Understanding of Stakeholder Identification and Salience in Government

Nigel De Bussy and Lorissa Kelly
Building Social Capital through Rhetoric and Public Relations

Maureen Taylor
Is the Universe of Democracy, Rhetoric, and Public Relations Whole Cloth or Three Separate Galaxies?

Robert Heath, Damion Waymer and Michael Palenchar
Communication Dimensions of the UK Foot and Mouth Disease Crisis

Anne Gregory
Intersectionality and Publics: How Exploring Publics’ Multiple Identities Questions Basic Public Relations Concepts

Jennifer Vardeman-Winter, Natalie Tindall and Hua Jiang
Towards a Dialogic Theory of Public Relations

Michael Kent and Maureen Taylor
A Measure of Relationship Cultivation Strategies

Eyun-Jung Ki and Linda Childers Hon
Rhetoric, Climate Change, and Corporate Identity Management

Finn Frandsen and Winni Johansen
The Strategic Communication Imperative

Paul Argenti, Robert Howell and Karen Beck
Extract from Building Belief: A New Model for Activating Corporate Character & Authentic Advocacy

Arthur W. Page Society
Extract from The Authentic Enterprise

Arthur W. Page Society
Organization as Communication: A Luhmannian Perspective

Dennis Schoenborn
Problem Solving and Communicative Action: A Situational Theory of Problem Solving

Jeong-Nam Kim and James Grunig
A Process Model of Internal and External Legitimacy

Israel Drori and Benson Honig
Toward a Theory of Stakeholder Identification and Salience: Defining the Principle of Who and What Really Counts

Ronald Mitchell, Bradley Agle and Donna Wood
Prioritizing Stakeholders for Public Relations

Brad Rawlins
Standardization in Public Relations Measurement and Evaluation

David Michaelson and Don Stacks
How Institutions Communicate; or How Does Communication Institutionalize

Cynthia Hardy
External Organizational Rhetoric: Bridging Management and Sociopolitical Discourse

Robert Heath
The Transformational Potential of Public Policy Discourse

Judy Motion and Shirley Leitch
How Moral Arguments Influence Economic Decisions and Organizational Legitimacy – The Case of Offshoring Production

Martin Schroder
Communicative Leadership

Sven Hamrefors
Authenticity in Organizational Context: Fragmentation, Contradiction and Loss of Control

Lee Edwards
An Examination of Differences between Organizational Legitimacy and Organizational Reputation

David Deephouse and Suzanne Carter
Integrating Issue Management and Strategic Planning: Unfulfilled Promise or Future Opportunity?

Tony Jaques
Investigating the Convergent Validity of Organizational Trust

Vinita Agarwal
Authenticity in Management Metaconversations

Simon Torp
Socially Mediated Authenticity

Dawn Gilpin, Edward Palazzolo and Nicholas Brody
Stakeholders, Politics, and Power: Towards an Understanding of Stakeholder Identification and Salience in Government

Nigel de Bussy and Lorissa Kelly
Involving Stakeholders in Developing Corporate Brands: The Communication Dimension

Anne Gregory
Public Relations as Dialogic Expertise?

Magda Pieczka
Horizons in Strategic Communication: Theorising a Paradigm Shift

James Mahoney
Public Relations and Neo-Institutional Theory

Magnus Fredriksson, Josef Pallas and Stefan Wehmeier
Public Relations and the New Institutionalism: In Search of a Theoretical Framework

Finn Frandsen and Winni Johansen
How Institutions Communicate: Institutional Messages, Institutional Logics, and Organizational Communication

John Lammers
Help or Hype: Symbolic or Behavioral Communication during Hurricane Katrina

Karen Mishra
Public Relations and “Its” Media: Exploring the Role of Trade Media in the Enactment of Public Relations’ Professional Project

Lee Edwards and Magda Pieczka
Community Engagement and Risk Management

Katherine McComas
Critiquing Community Engagement

Sarah Dempsey
Engaging Communities: Ostrom’s Economic Commons, Social Capital and Public Relations

Paul Willis
Institutionalizing of Communication Management: A Theoretical Framework

Christina Grandien and Catrin Johansson
The Evolution of the Employee Engagement Concept: Communication Implications

Mary Welch
Commentary: New Technologies, Public Relations, and Democracy

Ray Hiebert
The Narrated Organization: Implications of a Narrative Corporate Identity Vocabulary for Strategic Self-Storying

Trine Susanne Johansen
The Corporate Communications Scorecard: A Framework for Managing and Evaluating Communication Strategies

Ansgar Zerfass
Directions in Social Media for Professionals and Scholars

Michael Kent
Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Corporate Communication

Peggy Simcic Brønn
Does Public Relations Scholarship Have a Place in Race?

Damion Waymer
Globalisation, Public Relations, and Activism for Social Change: A Culture-Centered Approach

Mohan Dutta
Divided We Stand: Defying Hegemony in Public Relations Theory and Practice?

Anne Gregory and Gregor Halff
“If It’s a Woman’s Issue, I Pay Attention to It”; Gendered and Intersectional Complications in the Heart Truth Media Campaign

Jennifer Vardeman-Winter and Natalie Tindall
Strategic Alignment: A Missing Link in the Relationship between Strategic Consensus and Organizational Performance

Jorge Walter et al.
Toward a Crisis Pre-Emptive Image Management Model

Augustine Pang

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ISBN: 9781446275832