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Leading independent academic and independent publisher SAGE is delighted to announce the launch of its new Open Access (OA) journal, Social Media + Society.
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces the purchase of 19 journals from Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. With this acquisition, SAGE will publish journals in counseling, gerontology & aging, health & healthcare, education, anthropology, beginning in 2015.
Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. has published scholarly and professional journals and books in the social sciences and humanities for more than 50 years. Its collection focuses on the current trends in theory, research, and practice while paving new directions for researchers, instructors, and practitioners.
London, UK. SAGE Publishing today announces that it is to begin publishing Methodological Innovations, an international, open access journal, focused on debating and considering innovation within, and the wider issues around, innovative research methods.
SAGE Publishing announces today the release of SAGE Research Methods Datasets Part 2, a collection of 300 new datasets that demonstrate how-to support for data analysis, and SAGE Research Methods Video: Data Science, Big Data Analytics, and Digital Methods. With these additions, SAGE adds to its growing collection of resources that aid in the facilitation of data source training and data comprehension and analysis.
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SAGE Ocean has announced the winners of its first ever Concept Grants: Quanteda Studio, MiniVAN and Digital DNA Toolbox. Each winner has been awarded $35,000 to support the development of their project.
Los Angeles, CA. Children diagnosed with AD/HD can improve their behavior and social interactions in the classroom by playing a computer game that exercises their concentration, finds new research out today. The study marks the 1000th article published in SAGE Open, a peer-reviewed, open-access journal launched in 2011 which covers the full spectrum of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities.
Los Angeles, CA - CQ Researchercontributing writer Frank Greve was honored yesterday with the 2014 John M. Higgins Award for Best In-Depth/Enterprise Reporting on the media industry, presented by the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.
Los Angeles, CA. SAGE Publishing announces the relaunch of its popular MethodSpace website, a free-entry online community with over 20,000 registered social and behavioral science researchers. The revamped site includes a hub focused on how social science research is using big data.