About the Author
1. Understanding Leadership
"Leadership is an Ability"
"Leadership is a Behavior"
"Leadership is a Relationship"
"Leadership is an Influence Process"
Leadership vs. Management
Global Leadership Attributes
The Dark Side of Leadership
Leadership Snapshot: Michelle Obama
1.1 Case Study: King of the Hill
1.2 Case Study: Charity: Water
1.3 Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire
1.4 Observational Exercise
1.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
2. Recognizing Your Traits
Leadership Traits Explained
Leadership Snapshot: Nelson Mandela
Leadership Traits in Practice
George Washington (1732 - 1799)
Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997)
2.1 Case Study: NorthTown Dallas
2.2 Case Study: The Three Bs
2.3 Leadership Traits Questionnaire
2.4 Observational Exercise
2.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
3. Understanding Leadership Styles
Leadership Philosophy Explained
Leadership Styles Explained
Authoritarian Leadership Style
Democratic Leadership Style
Laissez-Faire Leadership Style
Leadership Snapshot: Victoria Ransom
Leadership Styles in Practice
3.1 Case Study: Several Different Styles
3.2 Case Study: Leading the Robotics Team
3.3 Leadership Styles Questionnaire
3.4 Observational Exercise
3.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
4. Attending to Tasks and Relationships
Task and Relationship Styles Explained
Leadership Snapshot: Ai-Jen Poo
Task and Relationship Styles in Practice
4.1 Case Study: From Two to One
4.2 Case Study: Day and Night
4.3 Task and Relationship Questionnaire
4.4 Observational Exercise
4.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
5. Developing Leadership Skills
Administrative Skills Explained
Administrative Skills in Practice
Interpersonal Skills Explained
Interpersonal Skills in Practice
Leadership Snapshot: Coquese Washington
Conceptual Skills Explained
Conceptual Skills in Practice
5.1 Case Study: Give Me Shelter
5.2 Case Study: Reviving an Ancient Art
5.3 Leadership Skills Questionnaire
5.4 Observational Exercise
5.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
6. Engaging Strengths
Strength-Based Leadership Explained
Identifying and Measuring Strengths
Strength-Based Leadership in Practice
Discovering Your Strengths
Developing Your Strengths
Addressing Your Weaknesses
Leadership Snapshot: Steve Jobs
Recognizing and Engaging the Strength of Others
Fostering a Positive Strengths-Based Environment
6.1 Case Study: Ready to Be CEO?
6.2 Case Study: The Strength to Stand Out?
6.3 Leadership Strengths Questionnaire
6.4 Observational Exercise
6.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
7. Creating a Vision
Leadership Snapshot: Rosalie Giffoniello
7.1 Case Study: A Clean Slate
7.2 Case Study: Kakenya Ntaiya
7.3 Leadership Vision Questionnaire
7.4 Observational Exercise
7.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
8. Establishing a Constructive Climate
Constructive Climate Explained
Promoting Standards of Excellence
Leadership Snapshot: Nancy Dubuc
8.1 Case Study: A Tale of Two Classrooms
8.2 Case Study: Challenging Courtroom Culture
8.3 Organizational Climate Questionnaire
8.4 Observational Exercise
8.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
9. Embracing Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion Explained
Leadership Snapshot: Ursula Burns
Diversity and Inclusion in Practice
Model of Inclusive Practices
Leader Practices That Advance Diversity and Inclusion
Barriers to Embracing Diversity and Inclusion
9.1 Case Study: What's in a Name?
9.2 Case Study: Mitch Landrieu - Symbolic Progress
9.3 Cultural Diversity Awareness Questionnaire
9.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
10. Listening to Out-Group Members
Out-Group Members Explained
The Impact of Out-Group Members
Out-Group Members in Practice
Strategy 1: Listen to Out-Group Members
Strategy 2: Show Empathy to Out-Group Members
Strategy 3: Recognize the Unique Contributions of Out-Group Members
Strategy 4: Help Out-Group Members Feel Included
Strategy 5: Create a Special Relationship with Out-Group Members
Strategy 6: Give Out-Group Members a Voice and Empower Them to Act
Leadership Snapshot: Abraham Lincoln
10.1 Case Study: Next Step
10.2 Case Study: Unhappy Campers
10.3 Building Community Questionnaire
10.4 Observational Exercise
10.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
11. Managing Conflict
Conflict on the Content Level
Leadership Snapshot: Humaira Bachal
Conflict on the Relational Level
Managing Conflict in Practice
Fisher and Ury Approach to Conflict
Communication Strategies for Conflict Resolution
Kilmann and Thomas Styles of Approaching Conflict
11.1 Case Study: Office Space
11.2 Case Study: High Water Mark
11.3 Conflict Style Questionnaire
11.4 Observational Exercise
11.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
12. Addressing Ethics in Leadership
Leadership Ethics Explained
Leadership Ethics in Practice
1. The Character of the Leader
2. The Actions of the Leader
Leadership Snapshot: Jasmine Crowe
3. The Goals of the Leader
4. The Honesty of the Leader
5. The Power of the Leader
6. The Values of the Leader
Culture and Leadership Ethics
12.1 Case Study: The Write Choice
12.2 Case Study: In Good Company
12.3 Sample Items From the Ethical Leadership Style Questionnaire
12.4 Observational Exercise
12.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
13. Overcoming Obstacles
Overcoming Obstacles in Practice
Obstacle 1: Unclear Goals
Obstacle 2: Unclear Directions
Obstacle 3: Low Motivation
Leadership Snapshot: Bill Courtney
Obstacle 4: Complex Tasks
Obstacle 6: Low Involvement
Obstacle 7: Lack of a Challenge
13.1 Case Study: Student Maid
13.2 Case Study: The Improbable Kodiak Bears
13. 3 Path-Goal Styles Questionnaire
13.4 Observational Exercise
13.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet
14. Exploring Destructive Leadership
Destructive Leadership Explained
Confronting Destructive Leadership in Practice
Leadership Snapshot: Elizabeth Holmes
14.1 Case Study: Dr. Chen Likes Power
14.2 Case Study: Breaking the Silence
14.3 Abusive Leadership Questionnaire
14.4 Observational Exercise
14.5 Reflection and Action Worksheet