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Journal of Communication Inquiry

Journal of Communication Inquiry

Published in Association with University of Iowa, School of Journalism & Mass Communication

Thomas Oates University of Texas Health Science Center, USA

eISSN: 15524612 | ISSN: 01968599 | Current volume: 49 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly

The Journal of Communication Inquiry (JCI) is a forward-thinking, interdisciplinary forum that explores communication and mass communication phenomena within cultural and historical perspectives. Publishing cutting-edge research and analysis, the Journal of Communication Inquiry emphasizes philosophical, evaluative, empirical, legal, historical and critical inquiry into relationships between mass communication and society across time and culture.

Keep Up To Date with Crucial Issues in Mass Communication

JCI is committed to giving alternative perspectives on communication and media studies a voice. It will keep you up to date on the most crucial issues in mass communication, including critical and cultural approaches to communication research, feminist theory and the study of mass-mediated representations of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation, the role of the visual image in contemporary culture, postmodernist, poststructuralist and postcolonial perspectives on mass communication.

Interdisciplinary and International Coverage

JCI's critical yet balanced approach to communication cuts across disciplinary boundaries to give academics and researchers a fresh, complete perspective on the field. The journal's international contributors regularly represent such varied areas as mass communication, cultural studies, journalism, sociology, philosophy, and political science.

In-Depth Focus on Critical Issues

The journal's dedication to comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of communication and media is reflected in its thematic special issues. Devoted to topics of emerging and critical importance in the study of communication and culture, recent and upcoming theme issues examine such vital topics as:
  • The Culture of Cultural Studies
  • Deconstructing Popular Culture
  • Technology and Culture
  • Feminist Cultural Studies
  • Race, Media and Culture
  • Mediating Global Migration
  • Mediating the #MeToo Movement

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The Journal of Communication Inquiry emphasizes interdisciplinary inquiry into communication and mass communication phenomena within cultural and historical perspectives. Such perspectives imply that an understanding of these phenomena cannot arise soley out of a narrowly focused analysis. Rather, the approaches emphasize philosophical, evaluative, empirical, legal, historical, and/or critical inquiry into relationships between mass communication and society across time and culture. The Journal of Communication Inquiry is a forum for such investigations.

Executive Editor
David O. Dowling University of Iowa, USA
Managing Editor
Munachim Amah University of Iowa, USA
Book Reviews Editor
Javie Ssozi University of Iowa, USA
Reviews Editor
Javie Ssozi University of Iowa, USA
Advisory Board
Sabena Abdul Raheem University of Iowa, USA
Thomas P. Oates University of Iowa, USA
Alexander Scott University of Iowa, USA
Shannon Sweeney University of Iowa, USA
Sarah Witmer University of Iowa, USA
Editorial Board
Karrin Anderson Colorado State University, USA
Mark Andrejevic Monash University, Australia
Tori Omega Arthur Colorado State University, USA
Ralph Beliveau University of Oklahoma, USA
Kuan-Hsing Chen National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Mia Consalvo Concordia University, Canada
Rachel Dubrofsky  
Spring Duvall Salem College, USA
Brian Goss Saint Louis University-Madrid, Spain
Robert (Ted) Gutsche, Jr. Florida Atlantic University, USA
James F. Hamilton University of Georgia, USA
Mika Hietanen Lund University, Sweden
Amani Ismail University of Hertfordshire, Egypt
Patrick R. Johnson Marquette University, USA
Volha Kananovich Appalachian State University
Matthew A. Killmeier Auburn University, Montgomery, USA
Hye Jin Lee University of Southern California, USA
Christopher R. Martin University of Northern Iowa, USA
Michaela D. E. Meyer Christopher Newport University, USA
Shane T. Moreman California State University, Fresno, USA
James Morris City St George’s, University of London, UK
Patrick Murphy Temple University, USA
Bruce Mutsvairo Utrecht University, Netherlands
Hagos Nigussie Paderborn University, Germany / Mekelle University, Ethiopia
Hillel Nossek Kinneret Academic College, Israel
Vincente Rodriguez Ortega Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Jeremy Packer University of Toronto, Canada
Subin Paul IE University, Spain
Gregory P. Perreault University of South Florida, USA
Jayne Raisborough Leeds Beckett University, UK
Sue Robinson University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Amit M. Schejter Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Saif Shahin Tilburg University, Israel
Helene Shugart University of Utah, USA
Ryan Stoldt Drake University, USA
Marina Vujnovic Monmouth University, USA
Andrea Mehlhaff Weare University of Nebraska, USA
David Wolfgang Colorado State University, USA
  • America: History and Life
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • ComAbstracts
  • Current Citations Express
  • EBSCO: Communication Abstracts
  • EBSCO: Political Science Complete
  • EBSCO: Violence & Abuse Abstracts
  • Film Literature Index
  • Gale: Diversity Studies Collection
  • Historical Abstracts
  • International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ)
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • NISC
  • Peace Research Abstracts Journal
  • ProQuest: Applied Social Science Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)
  • ProQuest: CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • Public Administration Abstracts
  • Scopus
  • Social Services Abstracts
  • Standard Periodical Directory (SPD)
  • Studies on Women Abstracts
  • Wilson Humanities Index (Online)
  • Wilson Social Sciences Index Retrospective
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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