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Key Concepts in Public Relations

Key Concepts in Public Relations

First Edition

March 2009 | 272 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

“This is a good text to accompany a core text on Public Relations. It is also very useful for marketing and business students. Valuable for post grads new to PR also.”
- Robbie Smyth, Griffith College Dublin

“Offers the reader a concise and very readable tour through the many facets of PR… Providing a detailed reference of just under 200 alphabetically listed entries, covering a range of topics, from account management to wikis, destination branding and Hong Bo (that one you'll have to look up yourselves), each entry takes up roughly a page, sometimes less, is colloquial in tone and offers several recommendations for further reading, making it an excellent jumping-off point for further exploration.”
- Communication Director

The SAGE Key Concepts series provides students with accessible and authoritative knowledge of the essential topics in a variety of disciplines. Cross-referenced throughout, the format encourages critical evaluation through understanding. Written by experienced and respected academics, the books are indispensable study aids and guides to comprehension.

 Key Concepts in Public Relations:

  •  Provides a comprehensive, easy-to-use overview to the field.
  • "Covers over 150 central concepts in PR.
  • Paves the way for students to tackle primary texts.
  • Grounds students in both practice and theory.
  • Takes it further with recommended reading.

Bob Franklin, Mike Hogan, Quentin Langley, Nick Mosdell and Elliot Pill all teach at the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies.

Account Management
Advertising - codes
Advertising Online
Agenda Setting
Alternative Media
Annual General Meeting
Audience - Radio
Audience - Television
Blog, Blogger, Blogosphere
Bottom Line
Boundary Spanner
Brand Stretching
Business to Business (B2B)
Circulation - Newspapers
Circulation - Internet
Codes of Conduct
Commercial Speech
Communication Audit
Communication Strategy
Conflict of Interest
Consumer Public Relations
Content Analysis
CPD - Continuous Professional Development
Corporate Communication
Corporate Social Responsibility
Crisis Public Relations
Dark Sites
Destination brand
Dumbing Down
Event Management
Excellence Theory
Fifth Estate
Focus Groups
Fourth Estate
Financial Public Relations
Friday night Drop
Full Service
Google dance
Google Earth
Google games
Government Public Relations
Healthcare Public Relations
Hong Bo
Horizon Scanning
Human Resources
In House
Information Subsidies
Internet Public Relations
Key Figure Interviews
Key Messages
Manufacturing Consent
Marketing (mix)
Mass Communication
Media Briefing
Media Relations
Media Training
Military Public Relations/Embedded Journalists
Mission Statement
Models In Public Relations
News Agency/Press Association
News Angle
News management
News Value
News Rooms
Nibs (news in Brief)
On Message
On/Off The Record
Party Conferences
Perception Management
Photo Opportunity
Press Conferences
Press Packs
Press Releases
Pro Bono
Promotion (1)
Promotion (2)
Public Inquiry
Public Opinion
Public Relations
Public Relations Education and Training
Public Relations (Internal)
Public Relations Planning
Public Service Broadcasting
Public Relations Democracy
Q and As
Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
Regulation - Internet
Regulation - Press (Ownership and Content)
Regulation - Radio
Regulation - Television
Reputation Management
Research (Communication)
Research (Sponsored)
Response Statement
Risk Management
Rogue Sites
Rolling News
Rolling News Deadlines
Situation Analysis
SMART Objectives
Social Marketing
Social Media
Sources - Relations with Journalists
Sources - Influence on Editorial
Spin Doctor
Stakeholder Analysis
Syndicated radio Tapes
Talking Head
Target Audience
Think Tanks
Trade Bodies
Trade Press
Triple Bottom Line
Video News Release
Web 2.0
Western Model (Dominance of)

'Offers the reader a concise and very readable tour through the many facets of PR. It provides a solid overview of the PR industry, suitable not only for students of PR and communication studies, but also those of us who feel the need to ground ourselves with an easy to use reference book, which is organised well enough to enable the reader to dip in and out…

Providing a detailed reference of just under 200 alphabetically listed entries, covering a range of topics, from account management to wikis, destination branding and Hong Bo (that one you'll have to look up yourselves), each entry takes up roughly a page, sometimes less, is colloquial in tone and offers several recommendations for further reading, making it an excellent jumping-off point for further exploration.

The plethora of facts and theories is handled skilfully and the erudition worn so lightly that the best compliment a reader can make is that one is barely conscious of the huge amount of ground covered by the book and that it is the work of five different authors… Ultimately, it is the sheer variety of topics covered that impresses, as if the authors are deliberately making a point of the breadth of PR today' - Communication Director

The book provides students with a nice overview about the key concepts in PR.

Mrs Nora Denner
Dept Social Sciences, Media and Sport, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
May 31, 2016

Good resource for entry level students in Public Relations

Mr Adrian Crookes
School of Media, London College of Communication
January 25, 2015

Good overview but all terms are sufficiently covered by general textbooks on the topic.

A useful supplementary reading but I prefer to give students journal articles in this regard

Mr Jan Breitsohl
School of Management & Business, Aberystwyth University
December 13, 2012

. . .provides a great overview of key terms and procedures crucial to the success of students as future PR professionals

Dr Christopher Bond
Comm Stds Theatre Hum Dept, Missouri Western State College
July 2, 2012

This is a good text to accompany a core text on Public Relations. it is is also very useful for marketing and business students. Valuable for post grads new to PR also.

Mr Robbie Smyth
Journalism and Media Communications, Griffith College Dublin
November 10, 2011

Needs an index; could be a useful book but some non-standard terms used (such as ' public relations (internal) rather than 'internal communicaitons') makes the book difficult for students to use as background

Mrs Elizabeth Bridgen
Media Studies, De Montfort University
February 7, 2011

Sample Materials & Chapters


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ISBN: 9781412923194
ISBN: 9781412923187

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