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"I am thrilled that, finally, listening came into the focus of educators and researchers in education and teaching. Listening is probably the most underrated skill in educational settings. Although it is the most required skill per (school) day in many different ways, it is the skill to which the least amount of instruction time has traditionally been dedicated.
"Effective listening skills are essential for learning and teaching. Here the authors use research to guide educators through the process of infusing active listening into the classroom and school culture."
"Listen, learn, lead. Building empowering relationships require presence, curiosity, and listening well. What immediately captures attention is the emphasis on enabling improvement and growth through the definition and exploration of accurate listening, which primes and demands something different. It goes a step further. The powerhouse perspectives of our admired education luminaries, Hattie and Sharratt, are deep and rich in global research, expertise, and practice.