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The combination of theory and practice in this text is particularly useful and welcomed. This text is idea for students embarking on youth and community work courses and related fields.
The contributions from many leaders in the field make this a valuable text.
The combination of theory and practice in this text is particularly useful and welcomed. This text is idea for students embraking on youth and community work courses and related fields.
A high quality and relevant text for students on a range of courses focused on working with children and young people.
A great text which allows expoloration of young people and their experiences. It allows practitioners to support their understanding with key frameworks and also supports application to setting!
as a means of understanding a young person and their roles in both the school and community this is a helpful book
It is a suitable book if you go into youth work
Now adopted as a essential text, it provides an clear, illustrated and interactive way for community youth students to understanding the context in which they practice in modern society.
useful case studies and exercises for taught sessions and self-directed study.
A book I will strongly recommend students to get.
I think the thematic approach works well for this publication
I felt that this text was well contructed and met a great deal of the needs of my students studying on this module as it addressed a number of the issues relevant to today's young people and thos who work within that field. Because of this this is one of two books that I am recommending as essential reading for my students.