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'The book is an excellent reference book for researchers in counseling and psychotherapy field who want to situate their research practice based on qualitative distinctions that they wish to bring forward on particular phenomenon of counseling and psychotherapy' - The Qualitative Report
Students really like this book as it is comprehensive and easy to understand.
I really enjoyed the first edition of this book and was keen to read the second edition to see if it would be suitable to recommend to students. I have not been disappointed, this is an excellent book, very well written, easy to read, understand and digest, and specifically focused on research in counselling and psychotherapy. I will be recommending this as an essential reading resource on qualitative methods for my MSc research students
This book supports the qualitative research discussed on the module
Excellent book which I recommended to be included in several units, apart from Introduction to Health Psychology and COunselling that I teach on
This text is a new resource in qualitative methods in counseling psychology research. It will enhance the class with ample resources in this area.
This is an excelling book for introducing and advancing students knowledge of counselling research. It is well written, taking the student through essentials of the subject.
One of the best books I have ever read. It has been recommended and students will learn much of it
This is a useful book for teaching qualitative research methods and to guide students conducting quaitative research. I've chosen a more generic research text as my core reading.
Clearly written, a good overview that stimulates reflection and engagement witht the issues. Easy to understand for students at different levels
Very good scope for introducing students to qualitative research. I used it for parallel comparisons with quantitative research for Introduction to Psychotherapy research courses
Deemed not sufficiently rigourous for the course. Requested library to order.
This textbook is very comprehensive and I really like the fact that it is applied to the counselling and psychotherapy profession. Since the students I teach are at doctoral level in counselling psychology, they are able to directly apply the learning gained from the book into their research
Students are now progressing to an MA Dissertation year and this is one of the books I will be recommending as essential reading as they prepare.
A very good text for MSc students considering a qualitative approach to their research, or for those who are not clear on the various options available.
Key text for masters' level students who need to read research papers critically, understand a range of research methods and conduct a small research project for their dissertation. This is an excellent book which students are recommended to read on starting the course and refer to throughout.
A practical and accessible books for any practitioner thinking of undertaking qualitative research.
Especially useful for students thinking about research methods for undergraduate and MA research.
An excellent, thorough book which will be invaluable to MSc students from the second year onwards. It is very comprehensive which is both an asset but also a little broad for for students with a limited interest in research. Best for final year students.
A seminal text on qualitative research methods. The text is clear and makes research accessible to counselling students.
Good, clear book - very helpful for writing a research proposal and the early stages of research.