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Open Access Introduction for Authors

Publishing open access means your research can be read and shared by all, without paywall barriers, and presents an excellent opportunity for your work to reach a wider audience.

To help you decide if open access is for you, and what to do next, we’ve put together a quick introduction based on the questions authors ask us. Discover the specialist author support provided to Sage authors, encompassing collaborative efforts to enhance research quality and maximize your impact post-publication.

Learn more about OA at your leisure or click the relevant subsection below to discover more about a specific topic:


Build a foundation of open access knowledge and discover how publishing OA benefits you as the author.

What is open access?

1 minute watch

Why publish open access?

1 minute watch

What are cOAlition S and Plan S?

1 minute watch


Publishing Options

Take control of your publishing journey and decide which route best suits you.

What publishing options are there for Sage authors?

1 minute watch

What license types are available?

1 minute watch


Peer Review

Discover how we maintain high academic standards through our open access peer review process.

How are open access articles reviewed?

1 minute watch


Paying to Publish Open Access

You’ve decided to publish open access! But what are the next steps to pay for publication?

What is an article processing charge (APC)?

1 minute watch

How do I get funding to publish my article open access?

1 minute watch

How can my institution cover my APC costs?

1 minute watch

How do I know if my institution has an agreement with Sage?

1 minute watch


How do I submit?

Now that you’ve made the informed decision to publish open access, your next step is to submit.

How do I use Sage Journals: Licensing & Payment?

1 minute watch


Predatory Journals

As an author, it’s important to be wary of predatory journals. Equip yourself with the tools to avoid them.

What are predatory journals and how do I avoid them?

1 minute watch



Discover how you can take advantage of the extra promotional opportunities available to you as an open access author.

How can I promote my open access content?

1 minute watch