Organization Theory
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Organization Theory (OT), published in collaboration with the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), is a global, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes the best theory and review work in the domain of organization and management studies.
Watch the Organization Theory launch video here.
Broad in Scope
OT publishes theory papers on different subjects within organization and management studies, including work within subject areas such as strategy, organizational behavior, work and employment relations, human resource management, international business, general management, public administration, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, ethics, and gender and diversity.
The journal offers a platform for theory development and theory-related discussions that significantly deepen our understanding of different subject areas; critiquing or deepening received views, and identifying significantly new ways of researching and understanding a particular subject.
OT is European at heart, but global in coverage and reach. The journal aims to cover and disclose to a broad audience the intellectual breadth of theoretical work on organizations and organizing that is carried out around the world.
Look to OT for the best theoretical work in each of these subject areas as well as for work that transcends the boundaries of particular subjects to speak to a broader audience.
A Range of Perspectives and Styles
OT is a multi-disciplinary journal, rooted in the social sciences, inspired by diversity and paradigmatic plurality, and open to commentary and debate.
Given this pluralistic ethos, papers can adopt different theory building styles and can be written up as research articles or perspective-taking essays, in both longer and shorter formats.
Besides regular articles, OT publishes review papers and a series of commissioned essays that speak to the bigger theoretical topics and debates in the field (see our Submission Guidelines for more details on these journal related features).
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Organization Theory aims to promote the understanding of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and between societies, through the publication of double-blind peer-reviewed, top quality theoretical papers.
Organization Theory publishes work in all areas of organization theory, including papers that develop new substantive theories or offer theoretical extensions, papers on the history and philosophy of management and organizational theory, meta-theoretical inquiries into the core underpinnings of existing theories, critiques of theories and theoretical developments, and theory-driven reviews of important areas of research.
As a theory journal, OT does not publish papers that draw on empirical data to make data-driven theoretical claims. Such empirical papers are published in Organization Studies – another journal under the auspices of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) – and authors are encouraged to submit their empirical manuscript to this journal.
Markus Höllerer | UNSW Sydney, Australia & WU Vienna, Austria |
Sigrid Quack | University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany |
Emma Bell | The Open University, UK |
Samer Faraj | McGill University, Canada |
Joel Gehman | George Washington University, USA |
Mairi Maclean | University of Bath, UK |
Violetta Splitter | University of Oxford, UK |
Madeline Toubiana | University of Ottawa, Canada |
Joep Cornelissen | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Sophia Tzagaraki | Managing Editor, Greece |
Ruth Aguilera | Northeastern University, USA |
Susan Ainsworth | University of Melbourne, Australia |
Rafael Alcadipani | Sao Paolo School of Business Administration, Brazil |
John Amis | University of Edinburgh, UK |
Stefan Arora-Jonsson | Uppsala University, Sweden |
Jean Bartunek | Boston College, USA |
Yvonne Benshop | Nijmegen School of Management, Netherlands |
Stephanie Bertels | Simon Fraser University, Canada |
Marya Besharov | Cornell University, USA |
Laure Cabantous | ESCP Buniness School, France |
Robert Chia | University of Glasgow, UK |
Jean Clarke | EM-Lyon, France |
Jana Costas | European University Viadrina, Germany |
David Courpasson | EM-Lyon, France |
Andrew Crane | University of Bath, UK |
Leanne Cutcher | The University of Sydney Business School, Australia |
Barbara Czarniawska | University of Gothenburg, Sweden |
Tina Dacin | Queen’s University, Canada |
Elena Dalpiaz | Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland |
Rich de Jordy | California State University, USA |
Rick Delbridge | Cardiff University, UK |
Frank den Hond | Hanken School of Economics, Netherlands |
Paul du Gay | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Rodolphe Durand | HEC Paris, France |
Micki Eisenman | Hebrew University Business School, Israel |
Martha Feldman | Stanford University, USA |
Pablo Fernandez | IAE Business School, Argentina |
Peer Fiss | University of Southern California, USA |
Peter Fleming | University of Technology, Sydney, Australia |
Mikkel Flyverbom | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Marianna Fotaki | University of Warwick, UK |
Santi Furnari | Bayes Business School, UK |
David Gault, Arellano | Center for Research and Teaching in Economics, Mexico |
Jean Pascal Gond | Cass Business School, UK |
Elizabeth Goodrick | Florida Atlantic University, USA |
Nina Granqvist | Aalto University, Finland |
Barbara Gray | Penn State Smeal College of Business, USA |
Royston Greenwood | University of Alberta, Canada |
Tor Hernes | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Robin Holt | University of Bristol, UK |
Jennifer Howard-Grenville | University of Cambridge, UK |
Gazi Islam | Grenoble Ecole de Management, France |
Dennis Jancsary | WU Vienna, Austria |
Maddy Janssens | KU Leuven, Belgium |
Candace Jones | University of Edinburgh, UK |
Martin Kornberger | EM-Lyon, France |
Ann Langley | HEC Montréal, Canada |
Mike Lounsbury | University of Alberta, Canada |
Johanna Mair | Hertie School of Governance, Germany |
Sally Maitlis | University of Oxford, UK |
Renate Meyer | WU Vienna, Austria |
Evelyn Micelotta | University of New Mexico, USA |
Mette Morsing | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Christine Moser | Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Alistair Mutch | Nottingham Business School, UK |
Daniel Nyberg | University of Queensland, Australia |
Nelson Phillips | Imperial College London, UK |
Rebecca Piekkari | Aalto University, Finland |
Davide Ravasi | Cass Business School, UK |
Trish Reay | University of Alberta, Canada |
Carl Rhodes | University of Technology, Sydney, Australia |
Linda Rouleau | HEC Montréal, Canada |
Marie-Laure Salles-Djelic | Sciences Po, France |
Majken Schultz | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Tal Simons | RSM, The Netherlands |
Roy Suddaby | University of Victoria, Canada |
Kathleen Sutcliffe | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Silviya Svejenova | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Jacky Swan | University of Warwick, UK |
Paul Tracey | Judge Business School, UK |
Christine Trank | Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, USA |
Hari Tsoukas | University of Cyprus, Cyprus |
Eero Vaara | University of Oxford, UK |
Andrea Whittle | Newcastle University, UK |
Patrizia Zanoni | Hasselt University, Belgium |
Tammar Zilber | Jerusalem School of Business, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel |