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Partner Violence

Partner Violence
A Comprehensive Review of 20 Years of Research

Other Titles in:
Domestic Violence

April 1998 | 328 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
`The book is organized into seven chapters. Each can stand alone - offering a focus on a particular aspect of the research, with a summary and conclusion and/or recommendations - and they also link well together. Areas covered include: risk factors; the effects of partner violence on victims, perpetrators and children; sexual violence; same-sex couple violence; ethnic minority violence; and prevention, intervention and training' - British Journal of Social Work

Twenty years of accumulated knowledge and research into violence towards partners are synthesized in this landmark book. Topics examined include: marital rape; the effects of partner violence on children; partner violence among same sex couples; and partner violence in ethnic minority families. A final chapter examines issues of prevention and treatment, and provides empirically based recommendations for future research and practice.

Murray A Straus
Jana L Jasinski and Linda M Williams et al
Partner Violence
A Comprehensive Review of 20 Years of Research

Glenda Kaufman Kantor and Jana L Jasinski
Characterizing and Assessing Risk in Violent Partner Relationships
Jean Giles-Sims
Social and Psychological Consequences of Partner Violence
Janis Wolak and David Finkelhor
Effects of Partner Violence on Children
Patricia Mahoney and Linda M Williams
Sexual Assault in Marriage
Prevalence, Consequences and Treatment of Wife Rape

Carolyn M West
Leaving a Second Closet
Outing Partner Violence in Same-Sex Couples

Carolyn M West
Lifting the `Political Gag Order'
Breaking the Silence around Partner Violence in Ethnic Minority Families

Sherry L Hamby
Prevention and Intervention of Partner Violence

For instructors

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ISBN: 9780761913184