What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Internet Privacy?
Communication and Media Studies (General) | Culture, Sport and Leisure | Sociology of Culture
In this book, Paul Bernal analyses how the internet became what it is today, exploring how the current manifestation of the internet works for people, for companies and even for governments, with reference to the new privacy battlefields of location and health data, the internet of things and the increasingly contentious issue of personal data and political manipulation. The author then proposes what we should do about the problems surrounding internet privacy, such as significant changes in government policy, a reversal of the current ‘war’ on encryption, being brave enough to take on the internet giants, and challenging the idea that ‘real names’ would improve the discourse on social networks.
The What Do We Know and What Should We Do About...? series offers readers short, up-to-date overviews of key issues often misrepresented, simplified or misunderstood in modern society and the media. Each book is written by a leading social scientist with an established reputation in the relevant subject area.
"If you want to learn a lot about what matters most, in as short a time as possible, this is the series for you."- Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, University of Oxford
If you want to learn a lot about what matters most, in as short a time as possible, this is the series for you.