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I've been using AmGov: Long Story Short since the first edition, and have stayed with it because my students read, engage, and learn more than with any other textbook I've used. Never before have I had students writing to me solely to tell me how much they are enjoying the text. In my anonymous end-of-semester surveys most students report that they’ve done more reading than they do with other textbooks. And their mastery of the material bears it out. Being shorter doesn't mean AmGov is short on content.
AmGov looks and feels like a quick reference guide, but when you read and teach from it you discover the information is indeed quite complete for an introductory-level course. Students appreciate being directed by their reading to the main points and punchlines (mirroring some aspects of how they might normally collect information online), while instructors have enough room to put the information in their own voice, without feeling compelled to fill in gaps.
My initial choice for Barbour's wonderful book was its brevity and attractive layout. My big surprise was how well it's actually written. The narrative is fresh and readable. The graphics are colorful and engaging. AmGov: Long Story Short organizes the lessons into digestible nuggets which is perfect for contemporary students. And it does all of this while still elevating the discussion. AmGov explores some very sophisticated concepts in political science in a very accessible way.