American Democracy in Peril
Eight Challenges to America's Future
Ninth Edition
- William E. Hudson - Providence College, USA
Other Titles in:
American Government and Politics
American Government and Politics
February 2020 | 448 pages | CQ Press
American Democracy in Peril encapsulates the tumultuous state of American politics. By introducing the history of democratic theory in terms of four “models” of democracy, Hudson provides readers with a set of criteria against which to evaluate the challenges discussed later. This provocative book offers a structured yet critical examination of the American political system, designed to stimulate students to consider how the facts they learn about American politics relate to democratic ideals. This new edition incorporates the Trump Presidency and the polarization that has accompanied his leadership.
Tables and Figures
About the Author
Introduction: Models of Democracy
1. The First Challenge: Separation of Powers
2. The Second Challenge: The Imperial Judiciary
3. The Third Challenge: Radical Individualism
4. The Fourth Challenge: Citizen Participation
5. The Fifth Challenge: Elections Without the People’s Voice
6. The Sixth Challenge: The “Privileged Position” of Business
7. The Seventh Challenge: Economic Inequality
8. The Eighth Challenge: The National Security State
Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter 1: The First Challenge Separation of Powers
Chapter 2: The Second Challenge The Imperial Judiciary