Marilyn V. Lichtman Virginia Tech, USA
Marilyn Lichtman is a retired professor of educational research and evaluation from Virginia Tech at both the main campus in Blacksburg, Virginia, and at the graduate campus in Falls Church, Virginia. After attending The University of Chicago as an undergraduate, she moved to Washington, D.C. She completed all her degrees at The George Washington University, receiving her doctorate in educational research. She taught both qualitative and quantitative research courses while at The Catholic University of America and Virginia Tech. She is a regular user of the Internet and social media and was an early contributor to teaching qualitative courses online. She is currently on the editorial boards of
The Qualitative Report and
Forum: Qualitative Social Research (FQS), both online journals devoted to qualitative issues. She has served as a consultant to many school systems, private companies, and government agencies. She has traveled extensively throughout the world. Currently she serves on the docent council at the Corcoran gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.