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Brief Reference of Student Disabilities

Brief Reference of Student Disabilities
...With Strategies for the Classroom

Second Edition

September 2008 | 272 pages | Corwin
This updated comprehensive 'ready reference' begins with an overview of legal issues that teachers need to know, and how these issues can affect the disciplining of students with disabilities. The book then offers insights into creating a positive and inclusive learning environment, with special emphasis on understanding various types of student disabilities.

In addition to suggestions for classroom instruction, other features include:

- Definitions and characteristics of disabilities

- Compilation of common disability-related acronyms

- List of children's books dealing with disabilities

- Directory of programs and resources for students with disabilities

A Cautionary Note
About the Author
1. What Educators Need to Know About the Law
What the Law Provides

Discipline and Students With Disabilities

The Collaborative Team

2. How Teachers Can Create a Positive Learning Environment
Creating an Inclusive Environment

Teaching Students About Disabilities

Including Parents

3. Understanding the Parents of Exceptional Children
4. Disabilities and Health Disorders: Strategies for Educators

Asperger Syndrome

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Auditory Processing Disorder


Bipolar Disorder

Cerebral Palsy

Down Syndrome


Emotional Disturbance


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Gifted Students With Learning Disabilties

Head Injury

Hearing Impairment

Learning Disabilities

Mental Retardation

Muscular Dystrophy

Speech Disorders

Spina Bifida

Spinal Cord Injury

Tourette Syndrome

Visual Impairment

Visual Processing Disorder

5. Other Health Conditions


Heart Conditions


A Note About Medications

Behavior Interventions

Resource A: Acronyms
Resource B: Public Agencies Offering Assistance to Individuals With Disabilities and Their Families
State Education Departments

State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies

Office of the State Coordinator of Vocational Education for Students with Disabilities

State Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilties Agencies

State Developmental Disabilities Councils

State Mental Health Agencies

Protection and Advocacy Agencies and Client Assistance Programs

Programs for Children With Special Health Care Needs

University Affiliated Programs

Directory of National Information Sources on Disabilities (NIS)

Resource C: Children's Books About Disabilities
Resource D: Associations to Contact
Resource E: Similarities and Differences: ADHD and Early Onset Bipolar Disorder

“I have not encountered such a comprehensive and accessible guide to teaching students with disabilities. I often give this book as a welcoming gift to new teachers at my school.”

Joseph Staub, Resource Specialist Teacher
Thomas Starr King Middle School, Los Angeles, CA

“The format is great! Teachers will love the easy-to-access information, which can serve as a springboard for more in-depth study.”

Debi Gartland, Professor of Special Education
Towson University

“The book is full of useful information and is organized in such a way to help educators easily find information. There are also useful resources to help parents.”

Nicole Guyon, Special Educator
Westerly School Department, Cranston, RI

This book is also very usefull for our students, but we only have recommended literature in our course. Students should pick out titles according to their own needs and interest. We recomment a list of books to them. This book is one of the books they can choose. We recomment reading this title.

Dr Jan Marten Praamsma
Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sci, Utrecht University
February 15, 2012

Ease of use. Concise, clear and acurate information. The students love this book. These are adult learners who can use the information in the text without getting bogged down. The threads of knowledge that connect through the book are picked up by the students in their writing.

Ms Kathleen Ahern
Psychology, Community College of Vermont - Upper Valley
November 8, 2010

For instructors

This book is not available as an inspection copy. For more information contact your local sales representative.

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ISBN: 9781412966337
ISBN: 9781412966320