About the Authors
1. Understanding the Beginning Teacher
Alternative Certification
Beginning Teachers From Minority Groups
Experienced Teachers in a New School
2. Helping Beginning Teachers Face Problems and Barriers
Theoretical Knowledge Base
Administrators and Expectations
Addressing Differing Student Needs
Inferior Working Conditions
Are You Old Enough to Be a Teacher?
3. Acclimating the Beginning Teacher
The Strength of School Cultures
Socializing the Beginning Teacher
4. Working With Beginning Teachers: The Role of the Principal
The Power of the Principal
The Leadership of the Principal
Why Should Principals Work With Beginning Teachers?
What Expectations Do Principals Have?
What Is the Principal's Role With Beginning Teachers?
What Problems Are Within the Control of the Principal?
Formative and Summative Evaluation
Support for the Principal
How Do Principals Find the Time to Help?
Taking Charge of Your Time
5. Starting Orientation Before the School Year Begins
Orientation Meetings: Setting the Stage
The Role of the Principal in Orientation
6. Developing a Good Induction Program
What Is Developmental Induction?
7. Building a Teacher-Mentor Support Team
Where Did the Idea of Mentors Originate?
How Do We Know That Mentoring Works?
What Are the Benefits of Mentorships?
Beginning a Teacher-Mentor Program
The Needs of New Teachers
The Framework of a Mentor Program
What Are the Requirements for a Mentor?
Matching Mentors With Entry-Year Teachers
How Should Mentors Be Oriented?
Conferencing With Beginners
The Role of Other Faculty
8. Helping Beginning Teachers With Common Problems
Helping With Specific Problems
The Teacher's Role--And Ways the Principal Can Help
9. Measuring Induction Program Success
Principals' Self Assessments
10. Integrating Induction and Career-Long Development
Development That Spans a Teaching Career
Strategies for Adult Learners
Meeting the Needs of the Developing Adult
When Reflection and Renewal Diminish
Fostering a Culture for Growth
A Model for Continuous Development
A Model for Continuous Learning