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Holding NCLB Accountable

Holding NCLB Accountable
Achieving Accountability, Equity, & School Reform

Edited by:

February 2008 | 280 pages | Corwin
This edited book provides a comprehensive approach to evaluating No Child Left Behind and identifying how the law can be improved. With contributions from experts, including Gary Orfield, Linda Darling-Hammond, Catherine Snow, and Daniel Koretz, among others, this text considers the efficacy of NCLB test-based accountability.

These essays critically examine:

- What we know and don't know about the key mechanisms used to hold schools accountable

- Whether states have the capacity to implement all of the requirements called for in the law

- Whether states have the ability to provide the support and technical assistance necessary to help low-performing schools and districts

- The implications of the law for sustaining successful school reform

Holding NCLB Accountable covers four themes. The three themes of accountability, capacity, and school reform provide the framework for the book's chapters. The fourth theme - achieving equity and the implications of the law for low-income and minority students - is addressed throughout the book.

About the Editor
About the Contributors
Part I. NCLB and Accountability
Daniel Koretz
1. The Pending Reauthorization of NCLB: An Opportunity to Rethink the Basic Strategy
Robert L. Linn
2. Toward a More Effective Definition of Adequate Yearly Progress
Mindy L. Kornhaber
3. Beyond Standardization in School Accountability
Michael J. Kieffer, Nonie K. Lesaux, Catherine E. Snow
4. Promises and Pitfalls: Implications of No Child Left Behind for Defining, Assessing, and Serving English Language Learners
Part II. Evidence on How NCLB Is Working
Jaekyung Lee
5. Tracking Achievement Gaps and Assessing the Impact of NCLB on the Gaps: An In-Depth Look Into National and State Reading and Math Outcome Trends
Walter M. Haney
6. Evidence on Education Under NCLB (and How Florida Boosted NAEP Scores and Reduced the Race Gap)
Part III. State Capacity to Implement NCLB
Goodwin Liu
7. Interstate Inequality in Educational Opportunity
Gail L. Sunderman, Gary Orfield
8. Massive Responsibilities and Limited Resources: The State Response
Heinrich Mintrop
9. Low-Performing Schools Programs and State Capacity Requirements: Meeting the NCLB Educational Goals
Part IV. NCLB: Impact on School Reform and Effects on Minority Students and Schools
Linda Darling-Hammond
10. No Child Left Behind and High School Reform
Willis D. Hawley
11. No Child Left Behind and Continuous School Improvement
Robert Balfanz, Nettie Legters
12. No Child Left Behind and Reforming the Nation’s Lowest-Performing High Schools: Help, Hindrance, or Unrealized Potential?
Russell W. Rumberger
13. Reforming High Schools to Reduce Dropout Rates
Gail L. Sunderman

“An important contribution to the field.”

Nora Friedman, Principal
South Grove Elementary School, Syosset, NY

“This text offers valuable information for understanding the intent of NCLB, the positive effects of the legislation, the shortcomings of NCLB as currently authorized, and specific recommendations for improvements.”

Dolores Gribouski, Principal
Columbus Park Elementary School, Worcester, MA

"Useful, timely, and enlightening. A good compilation of well-researched articles that need to be read by the field."

Bonnie Tryon, Principal
Golding Elementary School, Cobleskill, NY

It was adopted for last winter's class. It was current and may be the last NCLB book I use as reauthorization is upon us, but this was a paperback and up-to-date, readable book.

Dr Barbara Cherem
Educational Admin , University of Michigan - Flint
July 11, 2011

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1 excerpt

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412957885
ISBN: 9781412957878