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The Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Teachers

The Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Teachers
Issues of Employment and Instruction

Other Titles in:
Legal Issues

May 2011 | 352 pages | Corwin
Most teacher education programs offer little, if any, instruction on Education Law. Consequently, teachers (in general) are not well-versed in the intricacies of the law as it applies to their own employment and their responsibilities as instructors. In light of this dearth of information about law by most teachers, this book is designed as an easy-to-read, practical manual that addresses the key legal issues that teachers confront on a daily basis. While many books on the market are aimed at school administrators, few are designed primarily for teachers. Those that are, tend to be overly broad in scope. This book, then, intends to help fill that gap by providing a concise, practical guide that specifically targets the areas of the law that are of most concern to teachers.

In the employment context, the book intends to present information about teacher certification, employment, tenure, evaluation, and dismissal along with issues related to collective bargaining and teacher contracts. The book will also review the constitutional rights of teachers, including freedom of speech and religion. In addition, the book plans to provide information on how teachers can avoid liability when dealing with discrimination and harassment based on race, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, or disability, regardless of whether it is at the hands of supervisors, peers, or students.

In the instructional domain the book is designed to explore the rights and responsibilities teachers have in the instructional process. This will include topics such as what can and cannot be taught, academic freedom, methodology, grading policies, student records, and copyright law. Information will be provided about tort liability and the teacher's responsibilities regarding the safety and well-being of his or her students as well as his or her own protections from defamation and rights of self-defense.

About the Authors
1. Introduction: The Historical and Legal Foundations of Public Education

A Brief History of Public Education in America

Legal Fundamentals of Education

Summary and Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions

What's Next


2. School Governance and the Teacher

The Role of the Federal Government

State Education Agencies

Local School Boards

School Finance and Use of Property

Summary and Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions

What's Next


3. Basic Constitutional Rights and Freedoms

First Amendment Rights


Due Process

Summary and Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions

What's Next


4. Employment Terms and Conditions

Teacher Certification or Licensure

Privacy Rights of Teachers

Salaries and Terms of Employment

Leaves of Absence

Teacher Evaluations


Summary and Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions

What's Next


5. Collective Bargaining

Historical Background

Bargaining Units and Their Composition

Union Rights

Dispute Resolution

Summary and Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions

What's Next


6. Prohibitions Against Employment Discrimination

Race, Color, Ethnicity, or National Origin





Genetic Information


Affirmative Action

Summary and Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions

What's Next


7. Teacher Discipline, Dismissal, and Due Process

Tenure Rights

Progressive Discipline and Dismissal of Teachers

Reduction in Force

Summary and Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions

What's Next


8. Curricular and Instructional Issues

Control of the Curriculum and Academic Freedom

Student Records

Copyright Law

Using Technology in the Classroom

Special Education and Programs for English Language Learners

Summary and Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions

What's Next


9. Tort Liability

Definitions and Types of Torts

Educational Malpractice

Civil Rights Violations

Summary and Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions


Resource A: Court Systems and the Authority of Courts
Functions and Duties of the Courts

Organization of the Federal Court System

State Courts

Court Jurisdictions

Resource B: Legal Resources and References
Laws and Regulations

Court Decisions

Understanding Legal Citations

Resource C: Basic Legal Research: Maintaining Currency in an Evolving Legal Environment
Keeping Abreast of Legal Developments

Useful Education Law Websites

Glossary of Terms, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

"Now teachers have an absolute desk-reference that could be called 'How to Stay in the Classroom and Out of the Courtroom!'"

John Casper, District Achievement Gap Coordinator
Kentucky Department of Education

"A clear understanding of rights and obligations allows teachers to approach their jobs with confidence, and will allay any fears based on rumor or misconceptions of the law."

Karen L. Fernandez, Teacher
Denver Center for International Studies

"Reading this book is the next best thing to taking a class on educational law. It could well serve as the resource for such a class!"

Deanna Brunlinger, Science Teacher
Elkhorn Area High School, WI

"Uses real-world applications and issues to apply legal concepts and tested decisions to the entire educator environment. Chapters are packed with legal references and anotations for further research and clarifications."

James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
The Midwest Book Review, August 2011

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412975469

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