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BUNDLE: Hannigan: PBIS Tier 1, 2, and 3 Handbook Collection

BUNDLE: Hannigan: PBIS Tier 1, 2, and 3 Handbook Collection

December 2020 | Corwin

Get a complete set of books that address all 3 tiers of a behavior support system!


With this set of handbooks, you’ll find everything you need to transform the behavioral supports in your school. Begin with establishing schoolwide behavior systems, move to implementing interventions that target specific students at risk, and end with designing effective interventions for students with the most challenging behavior needs.


You’ll develop a menu of data-driven tier 1, 2, and 3 solutions that provide students with all the help they need…without overtaxing school resources. You will also get a framework for developing, implementing, monitoring, and sustaining each level of the system, rubrics for identifying current states of implementation and filling in gaps, and practical examples and case scenarios from more than 400 schools.


When schools take a positive approach to behavioral issues, everyone benefits!

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781071838037