Business-to-Business Marketing
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Nick Ellis - Durham University, UK
- Mark Tadajewski - York University, UK, Durham University, UK
- Andrew Pressey - University of Birmingham, UK
SAGE Library in Marketing
SAGE Library in Marketing
Other Titles in:
Business -to-Business Marketing
Business -to-Business Marketing
January 2011 | 1 720 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This four-volume collection is the only detailed survey of business-to-business marketing literature that captures the state of the discipline in its entirety. Business-to-business marketing is fast catching up with business-to-consumer marketing as a subject of study, and in recognition of its widening appeal this collection of seminal articles will be of interest to students, researchers and lecturers of general management, as well as those of marketing.
It serves as an intellectual touchstone for academics interested in developing their own research interests further, or who are considering incorporating more business-to-business scholarship. Some of the topics addresses will be familiar, such as marketing channels and relationship marketing, while others are likely to be more novel, like organisational purchasing, supply chains and industrial networks.
Assembled and introduced by a team of experts in the field, this collection is an invaluable snapshot of the key theoretical, methodological and managerial issues in this critical and expanding area.
The Parameters of B2B Marketing
The Scope of B2B Marketing
B.C. Ames
E.F. Cooke
R. Wilke and T. Ritter
Y. Wind and F. Webster
The foundations of B2B Marketing
F.B. Evans
H.E. Fearon
H.T. Lewis
Legal Foundations and Boundaries of B2B Marketing
J.K. Ashton and A.D. Pressey
R.J. Fontenot and M.R. Hyman
G.T. Gundlach and P.E. Murphy
M. Tadajewski and M. Saren
S. Toms and Filatotchev
Organisational Buying Behaviour
Foundational Work in OBB
D.J. Duncan
W.J. Johnston and T.V. Bonoma
A.M. Pettigrew
J.N. Sheth
F.E. Webster and Y. Wind
Later Perspectives on OBB
L. Araujo, A. Dubois and L-E Gadde
I. Maignan and D.T. McAlister
D.H. McQuiston and P.R. Dickson
Marketing Channels and Supply Chains
Foundational Work in Channels
L.P. Bucklin
J.F. Gaski and J.R. Nevin
L.W. Stern and T. Reve
Later perspectives on Channels
J.C. Anderson and J.A. Narus
G.L. Frazier and K.D. Antia
G.C. Hopkinson
K. Hulthén and L-E Gadde
Supply Chain Management
M. Christopher
A. Faria and R. Wensley
N. Myhr and R.E. Spekman
G. Svensson
Inter-Organisational Relationships
Historical Relational Scholarship
W.W. Keep, S.C. Hollander and R. Dickinson
K. Möller and A. Halinen
M. Tadajewski
Trust, Commitment and Norms in Relationships
K. Blois
J.B. Heide and G. John
R.D. Morgan and S.D. Hunt
D.T. Wilson and V. Mummalaneni
Managing Relationships
G.S. Day
T. Fuller and J. Lewis
K. Grayson and T. Ambler
P. Naudé and F. Buttle
Theoretical Perspectives on Relationships
K.J. Blois
M. Bresnen
F.R. Dwyer, P.H. Schurr and S. Oh
D.T. Wilson
Industrial Networks
Networks and Relationship Management
R.S. Achrol
J.C. Anderson, H. Håkansson and J. Johanson
H. Håkansson and I. Snehota
P. Turnbull, D. Ford and M. Cunningham
Conceptual and Methodological Network Issues
L. Araujo and G. Easton
N. Ellis and S. Ybema
S. Leek and K. Mason
J. Raab and P. Kenis
B2B Marketing Strategy
Marketing Planning and Market Segmentation
Y. Wind and R. Cardozo
J-M Choffray and G.L. Lilien
R. Dahlstrom, F.R. Dwyer and M. Chandrashekaran
Value in B2B exchanges
J.C. Anderson, D.C. Jain and P.K. Chintagunta
D.J. Flint, R.B. Woodruff and S.F. Gardial
A. Walter, T. Ritter and H.G. Germ nden
Relational Strategies
C-N Chung
J. Dyer and H. Singh
G. Hamel, Y.L. Doz and C.K. Pralahad
S.D. Jap
Marketing management practice
N. Ellis and R. Mayer
P.B.L Guillet de Monthoux
M.D. Hutt and T.W. Speh
G.G. Ottessen, L. Foss and K. Grønhaug
Business Products and NPD
R.G. Cooper
D.R. Lehmann and J. O'Shaughnessy
A. Lindgreen, M. Antioco, R. Palmer and T. van Heesch
F. Wynstra and E. ten Pierick
Business Services
U. De Bretani
C. Moorman, G. Zaltman and R. Deshpande
W.A. Neu and S.W. Brown
D. Neumann and H.H. Holzm ller
Pricing in B2B markets
J.W. Henke, R. Parameswaran and R.M. Pisharodi
R. Brennan, L. Canning and R. McDowell
B.P. Shapiro and B.B. Jackson
B2B Marketing Communications
T. Levitt
J. Lynch and L. de Chernatony
J. Mohr and J.R. Nevin
R. Olkkonen, H. Tikkanen and K. Alajoutsijärvi
Personal Selling and B2B Sales Management
R.P. Bagozzi
G.A. Churchill, N.M. Ford, S. Hartley and O.C. Walker
T. Millman and K. Wilson
R.E. Plank and D.A. Reid
L.J. Ryals and A.S. Humphries
Information Technology and B2B Marketing
D.E. Boyd and R.E. Spekman
J.R. Evans and V.E. King
S. Kaplan and M. Sawhney
A.D. Pressey and J.K. Ashton