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Climates and Cultures

Climates and Cultures

Six Volume Set
Edited by:

June 2015 | 1 888 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

‘Climate’ is an old idea, but an idea which retains tremendous power, versatility and utility in today’s world. For the Ancient Greeks, climate worked both as index and as agency , and this dual function has recurred throughout human cultural history and it works too in contemporary discourses about climate change. Climates change physically, but climates can also change ideologically.  What climate means to different people in different places in different eras is not stable. If culture is concerned with how human meaning, symbolism and practice take on substantive and material forms, then studying climate through culture is likely to be a fruitful activity.


This Major Work is a valuable synopsis of a diffuse discourse and captures some of the most important writing on climate and culture that has appeared since the 1980s. It provides a structure within which the recently growing body of work in human geography, anthropology, sociology and religious studies can be placed.


Volume One:  Theorising Climate and Culture

Volume Two:  The Agencies of Climate

Volume Three:  Reading Climate and Culture in the Past

Volume Four: Reading Climate and Culture in the Future

Volume Five: Climate and Culture in Places

Volume Six: Cultural Representations of Climate


The Classification of Climates from Pythagoras to Koeppen

Marie Sanderson
The Definition of the Standard WMO Climate Normal

Antony Arguez and Russell Vose
Linguistic Dimensions of Weather and Climate Perception

Alan Stewart
Meteorological Knowledge and Environmental Ideas in Traditional and Modern Societies: The Case of Tibet

Toni Huber and Poul Pedersen
Glaciers and Climate Change: Perspectives from Oral Tradition

Julie Cruikshank
The Anxieties of a Science Diplomat: Field Coproduction of Climate Knowledge and the Rise and Fall of Hans Ahlman’s ‘Polar Warming’

Sverker Sörlin
Representing the Global Atmosphere: Computer Models, Data and Knowledge about Climate Change

Paul Edwards
Verification, Validation and Confirmation of Numerical Models in the Earth Sciences

Naomi Oreskes, Kristin Shrader-Frechette and Kenneth Belitz
Anticipating Nature: The Productive Uncertainty of Climate Models

Kirsten Hastrup
The Global Warming of Climate Science: Climategate and the Construction of Scientific Facts

Marianne Ryghaug and Tomas Skjølsvold
Anatomy of Dissent: A Cultural Analysis of Climate Skepticism

Myanna Lahsen
Sila Dialogues on Climate Change: Inuit Wisdom for a Cross-Cultural Interdisciplinarity

Timothy Leduc
Indigenous Climate Knowledge in Southern Uganda: The Multiple Components of a Dynamic Regional System

Ben Orlove, Carla Roncoli, Merit Kabugo and Abushen Majigu
Culture, Law, Risk and Governance: Contexts of Traditional Knowledge in Climate Change Adaptation

Terry Williams and Preston Hardison
‘We Have Seen It with Our Own Eyes’: Why We Disagree about Climate Change Visibility

Peter Rudiak-Gould
Chinese Attitudes towards Climate

Cho-yun Hsu
The Meteorological Framework and the Cultural Memory of Three Severe Winter-Storms in Early Eighteenth Century Europe

Christian Pfister, Emmanuel Garnier, Maria-João Alcoforado, Dennis Wheeler, Jürg Luterbacher, Maria Nunes and João Taborda
Time, Talk and the Weather in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Jan Golinski
Climates as Commodities: Jean Pierre Purry and the Modelling of the Best Climate on Earth

Vladimir Jankovic
Inventing Caribbean Climates: How Science, Medicine, and Tourism Changed Tropical Weather from Deadly to Healthy

Mark Carey
Seeing Climate through Culture

Lawrence Culver
Perceiving, Explaining and Observing Climatic Changes: An Historical Case Study of the ‘Year without Summer’ 1816

Tom Bodenmann, Stefan Brönnimann, Gertrude Hadorn, Tobias Krüger and Helmut Weissert
‘The Languor of the Hot Weather’: Everyday Perspectives on Weather and Climate in Colonial Bombay, 1819–1828

George Adamson
Drought, Desiccation and Discourse: Missionary Correspondence and Nineteenth-Century Climate Change in Central Southern Africa

Georgina Endfield and David Nash
Tropical Climate and Moral Hygiene: The Anatomy of a Victorian Debate

David Livingstone
The Perfectionists and the Weather: The Oneida Community’s Quest for Meteorological Utopia 1848–1879

William Meyer
Modernity’s Frail Climate: A Climate History of Environmental Reflexivity

Fabien Locher and Jean-Baptiste Fressoz
The Debate over Climate Change in the Steppe Region in Nineteenth-Century Russia

David Moon
Is Global Culture Warming Up?

Andrew Ross
Change in the Weather

Vladimir Jankovic
Domain of the Gods: An Editorial Essay

Simon Donner
Climatic Change and Witch-Hunting: The Impact of the Little Ice Age on Mentalities

Wolfgang Behringer
An Amazing and Portentous Summer: Environmental and Social Responses in Britain to the 1783 Eruption of an Iceland Volcano

John Grattan and Mark Brayshay
The Climate Engineers

James Fleming
Huntington and Lovelock: Climatic Determinism in the 20th Century

Kent McGregor
Climate, Race Science and the Age of Consent in the League of Nations

Ashwini Tambe
Human Agency, Climate Change and Culture: An Archaeological Perspective

Fekri Hassan
Human Adaptation to Climate Change: A Review of Three Historical Cases and Some General Perspectives

Ben Orlove
Temporality and the Problem with Singling Out Climate as a Current Driver of Change in a Small West African Village

Jonas Nielsen and Anette Reenberg
Climate Change and Conflict

Ragnhild Nordås and Nils Petter Gleditsch
The First Climate Refugees? Contesting Global Narratives of Climate Change in Tuvalu

Carol Farbotko and Heather Lazrus
Are Cultures Endangered by Climate Change? Yes, But ...

Sarah Strauss
Trust and Climate

Nico Stehr
A New Climate for Society

Sheila Jasanoff
Earth, Sky, Wind, and Weather

Tim Ingold
Making Sense of the Weather: Dwelling and Weathering on Canada’s Rain Coast

Phillip Vannini, Dennis Waskul, Simon Gottschalk and Toby Ellis-Newstead
Emotional Climates: Ritual, Seasonality and Affective Disorders

Simon Harrison
Seasonal Climate Change and the Indoor City Worker

Russell Hitchings
Why Indoor Climates Change: A Case Study

William Meyer
Reculturing and Particularising Climate Discourses: Weather, Identity and the Work of Gordon Manley

Georgina Endfield
Climate and Culture Connections in Australia

Neville Nicholls
An Australian Feeling for Snow: Towards Understanding Cultural and Emotional Dimensions of Climate Change

Andrew Gorman-Murray
Whether Rain or Shine: Weather Regimes from a New Guinea Perspective

Paul Sillitoe
Seasons in the Sun – Weather and Climate Front-Page News Stories in Europe’s Rainiest City, Bergen, Norway

Elisabeth Meze-Hausken
Localizing Climate Change: A Multi-Sited Approach

Werner Krauss
Progress, Decline and the Public Uptake of Climate Science

Peter Rudiak-Gould
Bare Rocks and Fallen Angels: Environmental Change, Climate Perceptions and Ritual Practice in the Peruvian Andes

Karsten Paerregaard
Human Geographies of Climate Change: Landscape, Temporality, and Lay Knowledges

Catherine Brace and Hilary Geoghegan
Improving Forecast Communication: Linguistic and Cultural Considerations

Karen Pennesi
“People Want to Protect Themselves a Little Bit”: Emotions, Denial and Social Movement Nonparticipation

Kari Norgaard
Commodifying the Atmosphere: ‘Pennies from Heaven’?

John Thornes and Samuel Randalls
The Right to Keep Cold

Neil Adger
The End of Model Democracy? An Editorial Comment

Reto Knutti
Democracy, Climate Change and Global Governance: Democratic Agency and the Policy Menu Ahead

David Held and Angus Hervey
Tipping Points and the Human World: Living with Change and Thinking about the Future

Mark Nuttall
Google Warming: Google Earth as Eco-Machinima

Leon Gurevitch
The Flood Myth in the Age of Global Climate Change

Michael Salvador and Todd Norton
Climate Change and Apocalyptic Faith

Stefan Skrimshire
The Unbearable Lightness of Green: Air Travel, Climate Change and Literature

Greg Garrard
Reading and Writing the Weather: Climate Technics and the Moment of Responsibility

Bronislaw Szerszynski
Metaphors We Die By? Geoengineering, Metaphors and the Argument from Catastrophe

Brigitte Nerlich and Rusi Jaspal
Geoengineering, Theology and the Meaning of Being Human

Forrest Clingerman
Reducing the Future to Climate: A Story of Climate Determinism and Reductionism

Mike Hulme
A Change in the Climate: New Interpretations and Perceptions of Climate Change through Artistic Interventions and Representations

Lesley Duxbury
Arts, Sciences and Climate Change: Practices and Politics at the Threshold

Jennifer Gabrys and Kathryn Yusoff
‘Telling a Different Tale’: Literary, Historical and Meteorological Reading of a Norfolk Heatwave

Mike Hulme
Picturing Climate Change

Stefan Brönnimann
Picturing the Clima(c)tic: Greenpeace and the Representational Politics of Climate Change Communication

Julie Doyle
Seeing Climate Change: The Visual Construction of Global Warming in Canadian National Print Media

Darryn DiFrancesco and Nathan Young
Imaging Vulnerability: The Iconography of Climate Change

Kate Manzo
Climate Change in Literature and Literary Criticism

Adam Trexler and Adeline Johns-Putra
Solar: Apocalypse Not

Greg Garrard
Melting Ice and the Paradoxes of Zeno: Didactic Impulses and Aesthetic Distanciation in German Climate Change Fiction

Axel Goodbody
Cultural Climatology and the Representation of Sky, Atmosphere, Weather and Climate in Selected Art Works of Constable, Monet and Eliasson

John Thornes
“There’s a Storm Coming!”: Reading the Threat of Climate Change in Jeff Nichols’s Take Shelter

Agnes Woolley
Myth and Multiple Readings in Environmental Rhetoric: The Case of An Inconvenient Truth

Thomas Rosteck and Thomas Frentz
Climate Change ‘Science’ on the London Stage

Stephen Bottoms
Representing Nature: Art and Climate Change

Malcolm Miles

Sample Materials & Chapters

Climates and Cultures Leaflet

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ISBN: 9781473904521