SAGE to begin publishing Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces that it will begin publishing Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology (Annals), effective immediately.
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Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces that it will begin publishing Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology (Annals), effective immediately.
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE is delighted to announce the launch of a new, international open access journal for the qualitative study of nursing, Global Qualitative Nursing Research (GQNR).
GQNR is a rigorously peer-reviewed open access journal that will publish qualitative research on topics important to nurses including nursing, care, health, and illness. Special sections of the journal will include ethics, methodological development, developing the theoretical base of nursing, establishing evidence, and application to practice.
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE announces today that it will begin publication of the bi-monthly journal, Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment (TCRT), currently published by Adenine Press of Schenectady, New York.
Los Angeles, CA - Cardiovascular disease is the leading causes of death worldwide and high cholesterol plays a major role in accelerating its progression. Medical practitioners have turned to statins as a treatment to decrease cholesterol-carrying lipoproteins such as small dense lipoproteins (sdLDL), considered to be especially harmful. A new study, out today in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics finds that rosuvastatin may be more effective among prediabetic patients than patients with normal glucose levels.
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces the launch of Translational Epigenomics, a new open access journal publishing research on epigenetic alterations in gene expression.
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE and the Canadian College of Health Leaders are pleased to announce that SAGE will begin publishing the College’s journal, Healthcare Management Forum (HMF), with the first edition in January 2015.
The journal publishes articles on leading practices related to health leadership and management, including recent research, new technology and professional practices from health leaders' perspectives.
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces the launch of SAGE Research Methods Datasets, a new resource that supports the teaching and independent learning of quantitative and qualitative analytical methods used in the social sciences. Using real-world data from around the world accompanied by step-by-step instructions, this resource teaches statistical and analytical techniques used in Business, Education, Health, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology, among other disciplines.
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces the purchase of three journals from Federal Legal Publications, Inc. including Contemporary Drug Problems (CDX), The Antitrust Bulletin (ABX), and The Journal of Psychiatry & Law (PLX).
The authors of Introduction to Criminal Justice: Systems, Diversity, and Change, 2nd Edition and SAGE Publishing have reviewed the text on rape associated with Brock Turner.
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