Critical Psychology
An Introduction
- Dennis Fox - University of Illinois, Springfield, USA
- Isaac Prilleltensky - University of Miami, USA
- Stephanie Austin - Independent Researcher
Critical Psychology
'An excellent book in all respects - compulsory reading for scholars interested in a socio-political contextual analysis of complex human behaviour' - Professor David F Marks, City University, London
'The arrival of a Second Edition of this classic is an exciting event. The editors have assembled a world class array of authors to bring students to the forefront of critical scholarship today. Adding to the work's lustre are fresh new chapters on critical social issues, along with a set of new pedagogical aids. Bravo!' - Kenneth J. Gergen, Senior Research Professor, Swarthmore College
The Second Edition of Critical Psychology extends the original's comprehensive and accessible critique of mainstream psychology. Fully revised, reconfigured and expanded, the Second Edition explores critical psychology's continued growth and diversification, offering practical advice, and noting significant theoretical and political dilemmas confronting critical psychologists today.
While other texts focus on narrower specialties within critical psychology or on specific theoretical or methodological perspectives, Critical Psychology retains its focus on critical psychology as a whole.
Key features of the new edition include:
- each chapter now also includes a summary of main points, a glossary of important terms, suggested readings and Internet sites, and questions for discussion
- the book's contributors - most of them new - have thoroughly updated the original chapters and provide multiple perspectives on critical psychology's core concerns
- reflecting recent developments, Parts Three and Four are completely new to this edition. Part Three provides in-depth coverage of critical psychology's relevance to social justice, focusing on the issues of race, class, gender, disability, colonization/globalization, human rights/social justice in post-conflict settings, and oppression/empowerment in mental health systems. Part Four examines critical psychology practice, from theory, methodology and therapy to community organizing and the politics of resistance.
Highly recommended for introducing students to critical psychology, as well as for providing in-depth insights into ongoing social concerns and potential ways of addressing them
This is an indispensable text for Clinical psychologists and others who want to gain a detailed understanding of Critical psychology. We have set this work as essential reading for the critical psychology topic area in our doctoral-level training programme for our trainees in clinical psychology.
a classic text, with some very useful chapters for developing critical thinking in trainee psychologists, as well as more established practitioners.
With the due respect, I would not recommend this book. I found it highly rhetoric with little application to 'real life' issues.
In fact, one of my first thought that comes into my mind when I read this book, was about the permanent critique to 'those in power' without any concrete identification? The critique is repeated over and over again in almost every chapter .
Are not the authors 'those in power'? Who is actually paying their wages? are not the the oppressors'? Is it ethical?
Sitting in thousands of sterling pounds, dollars or Euros, many critical psychologists criticize’ our unfair society’. Some authors even talk about the unfair economic distribution, but I did not read a chapter where the author considered that he/she was receiving too much money in comparison to those 'oppressed' and 'marginalised' by the system, and later request a reduction in their wages.
do the authors really think that by publishing a paper in a journal or a book like this will change the system? Every little do not help to fill empty stomachs
Do critical psychologists think that a paper read by ‘an elite’ of white collars academics will change our unfair society?
Last but not least, are the authors part of 'those in power'? Are they not a privileged group?
Coherence between what the authors said and do would be desirable.
Good introduction to the field of critical psychology. I will definitely use this course for the module mentioned.
The chapters assigned for my students participating in an introductory course seem to be very useful for developing critical understanding of basic psychological concepts.
great book
This is a well written and comprehensive books which will be very appropriate for the FdA Children's Workforce, as well as for other modules that I teach on. I am delighted with the new edition, it is a really well written and accessible book.
very good, comprehensive text. Useful, relevant chapters. The 'frequently asked questions' could be expanded.
This is an excellent introduction to the area, and we've modelled our level II module on Psychology and Social Issues around it, as well as recommending it on our level III History and Theories of Psychology module. It was a bit of a shame I thought that some of the material from the first edition was dropped. I'm keeping both the first and second editions on my bookshelf.
Key features of the new edition include:
- each chapter now also includes a summary of main points, a glossary of important terms, suggested readings and Internet sites, and questions for discussion
- the book's contributors - most of them new - have thoroughly updated the original chapters and provide multiple perspectives on critical psychology's core concerns
- reflecting recent developments, Parts Three and Four are completely new to this edition. Part Three provides in-depth coverage of critical psychology's relevance to social justice, focusing on the issues of race, class, gender, disability, colonization/globalization, human rights/social justice in post-conflict settings, and oppression/empowerment in mental health systems. Part Four examines critical psychology practice, from theory, methodology and therapy to community organizing and the politics of resistance