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Designing Research in the Social Sciences

Designing Research in the Social Sciences

December 2012 | 200 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This innovative research design text will help you make informed choices when carrying out your research project. Covering both qualitative and quantitative approaches, and with examples drawn from a wide range of social science disciplines, the authors explain what is at stake when choosing a research design, and discuss the trade-offs that researchers have to make when considering issues such as:

- causality

- categories and classification

- heterogeneity

- interdependence

- time

This book will appeal to students and researchers looking for an in-depth understanding of research design issues to help them design their projects in a thoughtful and responsible way.

Social Sciences and Research Design
Conceptual Analysis
Causal Analysis
Statistical Research Designs for Causal Inference
Conclusions: Connecting the Dots

This volume takes seriously the goal of unifying qualitative and quantitative methods, providing a coherent framework for understanding research design in the social science. Highly recommended.
John Gerring
Professor of Political Science at Boston University, where he teaches courses on methodology and comparative politics

Magetti, Gilardi, and Radaelli provide scholars with a forum to reflect on the 'thinking' and 'doing' of social research. The authors deftly tackle the major issues related to the construction of causal explanations. An excellent primer to research design and analysis, that will cause seasoned readers to rethink core assumptions of research design and methods.
Melissa Wooten
Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Recommended text for our nursing and social work degree students

Dr Vincent Icheku
Faculty of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University
December 3, 2013

Useful additional reading for students taking modules relating to Research processes. Gaining an understanding of research design is an essential aspect of research and this book will assist students to devlope their knowledge and understanding in this area.

Ms Bridget Penhale
School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of East Anglia
July 24, 2013

Nice ideas, I just did not like the structure of the book for this particular course. I may re-consider it in the future.

Mr Henk Van Der Kolk
Political Science & Research Methods, Twente University
July 12, 2013

an immensely useful guide for students developing their first piece of independent research, such as dissertations

Mr Richard Kotter
Dept of Geography, Northumbria University
June 27, 2013

The book provides perspectives of research within social sciences. It gives the student solid foundations when considering a data collection method approach through the underlying implications that go along with it.

Dr Margaret Mangion
Edward de Bono Institute, University of Malta
May 19, 2013

I like this book. It provides a nice overview of common research designs in social sciences. It will only be adopted as supplementary however, as the larger all-encompassing research methods books seem to be more popular with the students.

Mr John Perry
Sport, Health, Leisure and Nutrition, Leeds Trinity and All Saints
April 22, 2013

With real life examples, Martini Maggetti uses a range of research methods in Social Science to make his book a worthy companion to researchers.

Dr Sam Usadolo
Department of Communication, University of Fort Hare
March 15, 2013

Great Book and absolutely essential for my course. Thanks!

Mr Sebastian Korolczuk
Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Regierungslehre, Institut für Politik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
March 12, 2013

This book is a concise text which focus on novice researchers. Good examples on how to use and doing research in social science. Well structured text and easy to read. A must copy for those who start their journey into social science research.

Professor Micheal Van Wyk
Teacher Education, University of South Africa (UNISA)
March 12, 2013

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781849205016
ISBN: 9781849205009

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