Doing Work Based Research
Approaches to Enquiry for Insider-Researchers
- Carol Costley - University of Middlesex
- Geoffrey C Elliott - University of Worcester, UK
- Paul Gibbs - University of Middlesex
The authors explore the implications of these research contexts, and discuss approaches and methodologies that work based researchers might adopt, with a particular focus on ethics - one of the key concerns for those undertaking a research project of this type.
This book is an authoritative and readable guide to the theory and practice of work based research. It is for anyone undertaking a research project based on work practice, including learners on postgraduate, undergraduate and doctoral programmes. Practitioners, managers and participants in work based courses or modules in education, healthcare and business management, will find it particularly useful.
A really accessible book with thoughtful reflective questions to support work based students.
A really clear and concise text that highlight the key issues to consider for an insider researcher
This is a substantial resource for both novice and experienced insider researchers. It goves good pointers and raises key challenges for those who wish to research the ground within which they stand.
This is a great book. It provides essential information in short easy to access and clearly written sections. It is not overly heavy on the theoretical underpinning. However, it is ideal as a research companion for students wanting a quick reminder or refresher on what specific research approaches, perspectives methodologies etc., mean and are appropriate for.
Work-based Learning is key in this Foundation degree, and this book supports this learning journey in a clear and engaging way.
This clearly written text provides readers with a useful range of topics to consider. The book progresses through a range of essential topics, providing useful and thought provoking information for the practitioner engaged or about to embark on insider research.
A very well structured manual about a recent research methodology in use, work based research. Although there are some researchers that do not consider this type of research as valid scientifically, the number of field studies has been increasing in the last years. The manual presents some key topics to take into account when doing this type of research, such as ethics, privilege, power and politics. Important and relevant references are included.
A useful step-by-step guide. particularly for students undertaking a specific module that has a practice-based research element. As well as guidance on planning approaches to research, selecting methods adopting methodologies, this book also talks about practical issues such as gaining access. I thought the section on evaluation was particularly useful; it contained clear guidance on the importance of thinking about success.
A detailed and accessible text with a clear layout. The 'Discussion Questions' at the end of each chapter provide helpful pointers for further study.
I think the attention to the particular ethical issues of doing research in your own workplace is a great asset of this book.
As this is a very broad approach to work-based research, this makes for a good introduction that will need to be complemented with further reading, as and if needed by the students.