Effective Multi-Agency Partnerships
Putting Every Child Matters into Practice
- Rita Cheminais - Freelance Education Consultant

With downloadable electronic resources
Offering practical advice and guidance on how to establish and maintain effective multi-agency partnership working in your setting, this book will tell you how to meet the Every Child Matters outcomes for children and young people.
It clarifies the skills and knowledge required in order to form productive partnerships, and shows you how to set up and maintain good collaborative practice.
The following are provided:
- useful checklists;
- examples of best practice in multi-agency working;
- a range of activities to support team building;
- reflective questions, to facilitate training and improvement;
- practical tools for evaluating the impact of multi-agency working;
- photocopiable materials to use with each chapter of the book.
It is an invaluable resource for leaders and managers in any early years setting, Children's Centre, primary, secondary or special school or Pupil Referral Unit, and will support anyone responsible for coordinating and managing multi-agency partnership working.
Lecturers in higher education responsible for training members of the children's workforce will value this book, as well as Local Authority officers and Workforce Remodelling Advisers.
'[This] is an invaluable resource for any person working towards improving the Every Child Matters agenda; whether in education, health, social care or the voluntary sector' - Support for Learning
'[This book] provides a useful plethora of practical activities, realistic advice and useful guidance on the promotion of multiagency approaches within education establishments in England and will be of great interest to professionals and trainers who are responsible for progressing work in real settings' - European Journal of Teacher Education
'This is a fabulous resource, with helpful and practical hints, tips and downloadable electronic resources….A truly invaluable resource for leaders and managers in any early years setting, or for those who are responsible for training members of the children's workforce' - Early Years Educator
'For those of us who work in educational settings the book provides a useful window into the working of the other agencies with whom we may be co-operating in extended schools' - Matters Arising
'This is a detailed and comprehensive account of multi-agency work which will be a 'must read' for those involved in implementing the Every Child Matters agenda. Both the text and the layout are easy to access and understand. The introduction outlines a high expectation, which is achieved. Each chapter begins by setting out its intended audience and ends with a short clear summary, questions to provoke further deliberation and a list of resources and information. Rita Cheminais has successfully combined essential information, theoretical background and practical applications in this thorough study of multi-agency work. She achieves the intention of her title, and shows you how to put multi-agency work into practice' - Jean Salt, Past President of NASEN
'This book delivers what it intended in terms of practical resources and is a must for all leaders, managers, practitioners and lecturers in the field of children and young people's services. It provides a useful tool for implementing policy, especially ECM' - Nasen's Special
Excellent book with up to date theories and models which mapped across to our Assessed Learning outcomes
A very easy to follow book with great amount of information relevant to teaching safeguarding and children in care.
A useful source for those studying modules which explore the issues of integrated and multi agency working.
A interesting book which explores the concept of multi agency working under 'old' the Every Child Matters agenda. However caution is advised when acknowledging the ECM outcomes as the terminology for this agenda was changed when the old coalition government came into power in 2010.
Very easy to read and the students think it is clear and informative.
A good companion book for the strategy module.
Still useful book with practical helps for teaching about collaborative working.
Although a little dated now much of the content is still very relevant and the rationale for integrated working is still current. Clearly set out to support student researching and effectively supported by downloadable materials. A lot of supportive material for students to use in practice and through experience this will support understanding. I would have liked to see more signposting to more academic sources but a useful starting point.
This is a useful book for lecture notes and preparation. However a large part of the book is linked to Every Child Matters which is the support for learning initiative used in England. In Scotland it is a different initiative and would be confusing for students.