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International Politics - International Student Edition

International Politics - International Student Edition
Classic and Contemporary Readings

Second Edition
Edited by:

February 2021 | 456 pages | CQ Press
International Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings showcases the the field's central traditions as well as important contemporary debates in the field of international relations. The book's four main parts—theoretical traditions, war and peace, international political economy, and emerging issues—mirror how the international relations course is taught and make the book easy to use alongside a core text. Class-tested over several years, International Politics was purpose-built to introduce students to the principles of intellectually rigorous thought.
Chapter 1 - The Science of Politics
International Relations: One World, Many Theories

Leaving Theory Behind

Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Analysis

Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis

Chapter 2 - Realism
A Realist Theory of International Politics

The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory

Anarchy and the Struggle for Power

Alliance Formation and the Balance of World Power

The Melian Dialogue

Chapter 3 - Liberalism
The Liberal Tradition and International Relations

International Institutions: Can Interdependence Work?

The Great Illusion

The Rise of the Trading State

Economic Interdependence and War: A Theory of Trade Expectations

Democracy, War, and Expansion

Democratization and War

Chapter 4 - Constructivism

Stigmatizing the Bomb

International Norm Dynamics and Political Change

The Violence of Illusion

NSC 68: A Report to the National Security Council on United States Objectives and Programs for National Security

Chapter 5 - Alternative Approaches in International Relations Theory
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism

Dependence Theory: Concepts, Classifications, and Criticisms

Feminism Meets International Relations

The Positivist Study of Gender and International Relations

Why Race Matters in International Relations

Chapter 6 - International Security
Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma

Shifting Power and the Preventive War Option

The Diplomacy of Violence

Why Iran Should Get the Bomb

More Will Be Worse: The Spread of Nuclear Weapons

Exploring the Bargaining Model of War

Understanding Civil War

Transnational Dimensions of Civil War

Structural Causes of Oppositional Political Terrorism

Chapter 7 - International Political Economy
What You Should Know About Globalization and the World Trade Organization

State Power and the Structure of International Trade

Votes and Vetoes: The Political Determinants of Commercial Openness

The Free Trade Paradox: The Bad Politics of a Good Idea

Why Globalization Stalled and How to Restart It

The Use and Misuse of Economic Statecraft

Chapter 8 - Contemporary Challenges in International Relations
Beyond the Failed State: Toward Conceptual Alternatives

Failed States in a World of Terror”

Warming World: Why Climate Change Matters More Than Anything Else

Report on Effects of a Changing Climate

How the U.S. Can Play Cyber Offense - Deterrence Isn’t Enough

Will the Liberal Order Survive? The History of an Idea

America and the Geopolitics of Upheaval


This textbook will provide our students with an excellent overview of the contemporary debates in international relations.

Dr Michael Parsons
Faculty of Business and Society, University of South Wales (Glamorgan)
November 19, 2021

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781071840931