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Interpretive Political Science

Interpretive Political Science

Four Volume Set
Edited by:
  • Mark Bevir - University of California, Berkeley, USA

March 2010 | 1 728 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
'Interpretive' political science describes a broad range of approaches that challenge scientism for its lack of sensitivity to meanings, subjectivity and historical context. Much interpretive political study is founded on the insistence on the importance of meanings in human action and draws on the rich philosophical traditions of Schultz, Foucault, Derrida and Ricoeur, joined in the 1980s and 1990s by radical scholars influenced by cultural Marxism and post-foundationalism. Interpretive Political Science would capitalise on the growth and vigour of this field of study, and bring together for the first time a selection of writings that encompass theory and methods as well as policy and practice.
Interpretive Political Science

Edited by Mark Bevir
a.) General
Interpretative Social Science - An Overview

Frank C. Richardson and Blaine J. Fowers
Epistemological Stances for Qualitative Inquiry: Interpretivism, hermeneutics, and social constructivism

Thomas Schwandt
b.) Meaning in Action
Common-sense and Scientific Interpretation in Human Action

Alfred Schultz
The Model of the Text: Meaningful action considered as a text

Paul Ricoeur
Social Science

Peter Winch
Interpretation and the Sciences of Man

Charles Taylor
On Language, Culture and Social Action

Miguel Cabrera
c.) Tradition and Agency
Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences

Jacques Derrida
Happy in our Chains? Agency and Language in the Postmodern Age

David Shaw
On Tradition

Mark Bevir
Historical Interpretation, Intentionalism, and the Philosophy of Mind

Vivienne Brown
Toward a Theory of Social Practices: A development in culturalist theorizing

Andreas Reckwitz
d.) Narrative and Critique
Narrative in Political Science

Molly Patterson and Kristen Renwick Monroe
Historical Explanation, Folk Psychology, and Narrative

Mark Bevir
Nietzsche, Genealogy, History

Michel Foucault
Genealogy as Critique

Raymond Geuss
Naturalism and Genealogy

Bernard Williams
Hermeneutics, Political inquiry, and Practical Reason: An evolving challenge to political science

Michael T. Gibbons
Interpretation and Its Others

Mark Bevir and R. A. W. Rhodes
b.) Qualitative Methods
Bridging Positivist and Interpretivist Approaches to Qualitative Methods

Ann Lin
Democracy and Dichotomies: A pragmatic approach to choices about concepts

David Collier and Robert Adcock
Concept Formation in Political Science: An anti-naturalist critique of qualitative methodology

Mark Bevir and Asaf Kedar
On Improving Qualitative methods in Public Administration Research

Ralph Brower, Mithce Abolafia and Jered Carr
Emerging Criteria for Quality in Qualitative and Interpretive Research

Yvonna Lincoln
c.) Ethnography and Interviewing
Thick Description: Towards an interpretive theory of culture

Clifford Geertz
From the Inside Out: Ethnographic methods in political research

Bayard de Volo, Lorraine and Edward Schatz
Asking Questions: Techniques for semistructured interviews

Beth Leech
Talking and Listening from Women's Standpoint: Feminist strategies for interviewing and analysis

Marjorie Devault
Appealing Work: An investigation into how ethnographic texts convince

Karen Golden-Biddle and Karen Locke
d.) Textual Analysis
An Overview of Content Analysis

Steve Stemler
Extracting Policy Positions from Political Texts: Using words as data

Michael Laver, Kenneth Benoit and John Garry
Ideology and Post-Marxism

Ernesto Laclau
Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis

Teun A. van Dijk
How Buildings Mean

Nelson Goldman and Catherine Z. Elgin
In Defense of Disunity-Pragmatism, Hermeneutics, and the Social

Keith Topper
Conceptualizing Culture: Possibilities for political science

Lisa Wedeen
Beliefs and Identities
Making Sense of Religion in Political Life

Kenneth D. Wald, Adam L. Silverman and Kevin S. Fridy
The Imaginary Inclusion of the "Good Homosexual": The British new right's representation of sexuality and race

Anna Marie Smith
Complexities of Identity/Difference: Black consciousness ideology in South Africa

David Howarth
Beyond Belief: Ideas and symbolic technologies in the study of international relations

Mark Laffey and Jutta Weldes
b.) Cultural Practices
Ethnicity, Democratization, and Political Dramas: Insight into ethnic politics in Mauritania

Cedric Jourde
Changing Places: transnational networks, ethnic politics and community development in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Thomas Perreault
The Court as an Idea, not a Building (or a Game): Interpretive institutionalism and the analysis of supreme court decision making

Howard Gilman
Constructing Post-Cold War Collective Security

Brian Frederking
c.) Traditions and Resistance
Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal, and Hartz: The multiple traditions in America

Rogers Smith
The Great Moving Right Show

Stuart Hall
Sub Rosa Resistance and the Politics of Economic Reform: Land redistribution in post-soviet Ukraine

Jessica Allina-Pisano
'It's Not Like Shopping': Citizens, consumers, and the reform of public services

John Clarke
d.) Historical Sociology
The Birth of Bio-politics': Michel Foucault's lecture at the College de France on neo-liberal governmentality

Thomas Lemke
Rethinking Moral Economy

Thomas Clay Arnold
The Liberty Bell: A meditation on labor, liberty, and the cultural mediations that connect or disconnect them

Paul Willis
Sounds of Nationhood

Michael Shapiro
Taking Language Seriously: Toward a narrative theory of knowledge for administrative research

Jay White
Grout: Alternative kinds of knowledge and why they are ignored

Mary Schmidt
b.) Policy Analysis - Theory
Policy Analysis as a Hermeneutic Activity

John Dryzek
Concepts of Culture and Organizational Analysis

Linda Smircich
Interpretation and the Practice of Policy Analysis

Bruce Jennings
The Communcation of Policy Meanings- Implementation as Interpretation and Text

Dvora Yanow
Setting the Stage-a Dramaturgy of Policy Deliberation

Maarten A. Hajer
c.) Policy Analysis - Practice
State Traditions, Administrative Reform, and Regionalization

John Loughlin and B. Guy Peters
The Bureaucratization, Commodification, and the Privatization of Sexual Harassment through Institutional Discourse: A study of the 'Big Ten' universities

Robin P. Clair
Language Games: Dialogical analyses of INF negotiations

Gavan Duffy, Brian Frederking and Seth A. Tucker
Marginalizing Public Participation in Local Planning: An ethnographic account

Caroline Tauxe
The Politics of Deliberation: Qat chews as public spheres in Yemen

Lisa Wedeen
d.) Dialogue and Deliberation
Leadership Studies: From procedure and abstraction to reflexivity and situation

Mats Alvesson
Talking and Doing in the Work of Administration

Hal Colebatch and Pieter Degeling
Learning from Practice Stories: The priority of practical judgment

John Forester
Participatory Governance as Deliberative Empowerment- The Cultural Politics of Discursive Space

Frank Fischer
Collaborative Policymaking: Governance through dialogue

Judith Innes and David Booher

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ISBN: 9781847875808