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Journal of Management

Journal of Management

Published in Association with Southern Management Association
Official Journal of the Southern Management Association

eISSN: 15571211 | ISSN: 01492063 | Current volume: 51 | Current issue: 2 Frequency: 8 Times/Year
The Journal of Management (JOM) is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles, that have a high impact on the management field as a whole. The journal encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research. The journal covers such areas as:

  • Business strategy & policy
  • Organizational behavior
  • Human resource management
  • Organizational theory
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Research Methods

Review Issues are published biannually in January and July. These issues include widely read and widely cited collections of articles in the field of management and have become a major resource for management scholars. The Review Issues cover a broad range of topics from a wide range of academic disciplines, methodologies, and theoretical paradigms. The review issue call for proposals is posted in December. Proposals can be submitted during the month of June.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

For articles that report empirical studies testing existing theories, propositions from published theoretical models, or are replications of previously published work, your paper may better fit the mission of our partner journal, the Journal of Management Scientific Reports.

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The Journal of Management welcomes empirical and theoretical articles dealing with micro, meso, and macro workplace phenomena. Manuscripts that are suitable for publication in the Journal of Management cover domains such as business strategy and policy, entrepreneurship, human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational theory, and research methods.

Cynthia Devers Virginia Tech, USA
Senior Editors
Gerry McNamara Michigan State University, USA
Deidra Schleicher Iowa State University, USA
Associate Editor Team
Devasheesh Bhave Singapore Management University, Singapore
Dave Collings Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Nicky Dries KU Leuven and BI Norwegian Business School
Nadine Kammerlander WHU Otto-Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Dejun Tony Kong University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Peggy Lee Arizona State University, USA
Fabrice Lumineau University of Hong Kong
Patrick F. McKay East Carolina University, USA
Hermann Ndofor Indiana University, USA
Elisa Operti ESSEC Business School, France
Amy Ou Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Samantha Paustian-Underdahl Florida State University, USA
Mike Pfarrer University of Georgia, USA
Cuili Qian University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Orlando Richard University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Enrica Ruggs University of Houston, USA
Wei Shi University of Miami, USA
Ute Stephan King’s College London, UK
Michael Withers Texas A&M University, USA
Consulting Editors
Mike Pfarrer University of Georgia, USA
Pratima Bansal University of Western Ontario, Canada
Jose Cortina Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Sherry Thatcher University of Tennessee-Knoxville, USA
Editorial Review Board
Mirzokhidjon Abdurakhmonov University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Herman Aguinis The George Washington University School of Business, USA
Federico Aime Oklahoma State University, USA
Bradley Alge Purdue University, USA
Matt Allen Babson College, USA
Elisa Alt King's College London - Strand Campus, U.K
Marc Anderson Iowa State University, USA
Goce Andrevski Queen's University Smith School of Business, Canada
David Arena The University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Felix Arndt University of Guelph, Canada
Jonathan Arthurs Oregon State University, USA
Samuel Aryee University of Surrey, UK
Neal Ashkanasy The University of Queensland, Australia
Ariel Avgar University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Mayowa Babalola Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Sarah Bankins Macquarie University, Australia
Pratima Bansal University of Western Ontario, Canada
Matthew Barlow University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Amy Bartels University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Michael Bashshur Singapore Management University, Singapore
Talya N. Bauer Portland State University, USA
Heidi Baumann Illinois State University, USA
Daniel Beal Virginia Tech, USA
Bianca Beersma Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mirko Benischke Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Andrew Bennet Old Dominion University, USA
Scott Bentley University of Delaware, USA
Jeremy Bernerth San Diego State University, USA
Jeremy Beus Washington State University, USA
Uta Bindl King's College London, UK
Radina Blagoeva University of Georgia, USA
Ronald Bledow Singapore Management University, Singapore
Ramona Bobocel University of Waterloo, Canada
Steven Boivie Texas A&M, USA
Mark Bolino University of Oklahoma, USA
Julena Bonner Utah State University, USA
Corine Boon University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Brian Boyd Northern Arizona University, USA
Dylan Boynton Michigan State University, USA
Bret Bradley University of Oklahoma, USA
Matthias Brauer University of Mannheim, Germany
Julia Brennecke University of Liverpool, UK
Keith Brouthers King's College London, UK
Patrick Bruning University of New Brunswick, Canada
Olga Bruyaka West Virginia University, USA
Rhett Brymer Carl H. Lindner College of Business, USA
Jonathan Bundy Arizona State University, USA
Tine Buyl University of Antwerp, Belgium
Kris Byron Georgia State University, USA
Matt Call Texas A&M University System, USA
Conor Callahan University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Felipe Calvano University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Robert Campbell University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Albert Cannella Arizona State University, USA
Melissa Cardon University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA
Kevin Carlson Virginia Tech, USA
Christina Carnes Indiana University, USA
Joel Carnevale Syracuse University, USA
Gary Castrogiovanni Florida Atlantic University, USA
S. Trevis Certo Arizona State University, USA
Heewon Chae Arizona State University, USA
Melissa Chamberlin Iowa State University, USA
C.S. Richard Chan Stony Brook University, USA
Gaylen Chandler Wichita State University, USA
Nitya Chawla University of Minnesota System, USA
Jianhong Chen University of New Hampshire, USA
Tianxu Chen West Virginia University, USA
Zhuo Chen China Europe International Business School, China
M. K. Chin Indiana University Bloomington Kelley School of Business, USA
Chia-Yen Chiu University of Adelaide, Australia
Sana Chiu University of Houston CT Bauer College of Business, USA
SinHui Chong Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Aichia Chuang University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Bruno Cirillo SKEMA Business School, France
Michael Cole Texas Christian University, USA
Adrienne Colella Tulane University, USA
Samantha Conroy Colorado State University, USA
Kevin Corley Imperial College London, UK
Jose Cortina Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Wayne Crawford University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Jonathan Crawshaw Aston University, UK
Laura D’Oria Iowa State University, USA
Patricia Dahm University of Kansas School of Business, USA
Michael Daniels University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business, Canada
Parthiban David American University, USA
Per Davidsson Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Bart de Jong Australian Catholic University, Australia
John Delery University of Arkansas, USA
Deanne Den Hartog University of Amsterdam Business School, The Netherlands
Justin DeSimone University of Alabama System, USA
Cynthia Devers Virginia Tech, USA
Brian Dineen Purdue University, USA
Katharina Dittrich University of Zurich, Switzerland
Karyn Dossinger Loyola University Chicago School of Business Administration, USA
Fritz Drasgow University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Michelle Duffy University of Minnesota, USA
James Dulebohn Michigan State University, USA
David Dwertmann Rutgers University, USA
Priyanka Dwivedi Texas A&M University Mays Business School, USA
Marion Eberly University of Washington Tacoma, USA
Jill Ellingson University of Kansas, USA
Berrin Erdogan Portland State University, USA
Shereen Fatimah Singapore Management University, Singapore
Doris Fay University of Potsdam, Germany
Jie Feng Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, USA
Lisa Finkelstein Northern Illinois University, USA
John Fiset Saint Mary's University, Canada
Greg Fisher Indiana University, USA
Markus Fitza Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany
Franco Fraccaroli University of Trento, Italy
Adam Fremeth Western University, Canada
Ashley Fulmer Georgia State University J Mack Robinson College of Business, USA
Ingrid Fulmer Rutgers University, USA
Ravi Gajendran Florida International University, USA
Timothy Gardner Utah State University, USA
Lucy Gilson University of New Hampshire Peter T Paul College of Business and Economics, USA
Jamie Gloor University of St Gallen, Switzerland
Devi R. Gnyawali Virginia Tech, USA
David Gomulya Singapore Management University, Singapore
Yaping Gong Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Erik Gonzalez-Mule Indiana University, USA
Vicente González-Romá University of Valencia, Spain
Martin Goossen Old Dominion University, USA
Janaki Gooty University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
Maria Goranova University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Lorenz Graf-Vlachy TU Dortmund University, Germany
James Grand University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Thomas Greckhamer Louisiana State University, USA
Rebecca Greenbaum Rutgers University, USA
Orhun Guldiken Florida International University, USA
Wei Guo China Europe International Business School, China
Patrick Haack University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Michael Hadani Saint Mary's College of California, USA
Joo Hun Han Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Business School, South Korea
Brad Harris HEC Paris, France
Joseph Harrison Texas Christian University, USA
Jaron Harvey University of Oklahoma, USA
John Hausknecht Cornell University, USA
Koen Heimeriks Warwick Business School, UK
Paul Hempel City University of Hong Kong, China
Matt Hersel Clemson University, USA
Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands
Rebecca Hewett Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Netherlands
Mariano Heyden Monash Business School, Australia
Ivona Hideg York University, Canada
Aaron Hill University of Florida, USA
Keith Hmieleski Texas Christian University, USA
Gerard P. Hodgkinson University of Manchester, UK
R. Michael Holmes Florida State University, USA
Peter Hom Arizona State University, USA
Michael Howard Iowa State University, USA
Michael Howe Iowa State University, USA
Hsin-Hua Hsiung National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Jason Huang Michigan State University, USA
Lei Huang Auburn University, USA
Zhi Huang University of Kentucky, USA
Chun Hui Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Steve Hunt Independent
Farhan Iqbal Indiana University, USA
Gazi Islam Grenoble École de Management, France
Karen Jansen University of Reading Henley Business School - Greenlands Campus, UK
Lee Jarvis Warwick Business School, UK
Peter Jaskiewicz University of Ottawa Telfer School of Management, Canada
Mevan Jayasinghe Michigan State University, USA
Kaifeng Jiang Peking University Guanghua School of Management, China
Kyuho Jin Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Paul Johnson University of Mississippi, USA
Scott Johnson Iowa State University, USA
David Jones University of Vermont, USA
Kristen Jones University of Memphis, USA
Arturs Kalnins University of Iowa, USA
Amit Karna Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India
Ivana Katic Yale School of Management, USA
Rebecca Kehoe Cornell University, USA
Franz Kellermanns University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA
Jason Kiley Clemson University, USA
Tae-Yeol Kim China Europe International Business School, China
Eden King Rice University, USA
Jennifer Kish-Gephart University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Brian Klaas University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
Patricia Klarner Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Felice Klein Boise State University College of Business and Economics, USA
Anthony Klotz University College London, UK
Donald Kluemper Texas Tech University, USA
Kalin Kolev Marquette University, USA
Joel Koopman Texas A&M University, USA
Jaclyn Koopmann Auburn University, USA
Steve Kozlowski USF, USA
Maria Kraimer University at Buffalo School of Management, USA
Ryan Krause Neeley School of Business, Texas Christian Univeristy, USA
Markus Kreutzer EBS University, Germany
David Kryscynski Rutgers University, USA
Sven Kunisch Aarhus University, Denmark
Christina Lacerenza University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Jamie Ladge Boston College Carroll School of Management, USA
Lisa Lambert Oklahoma State University, USA
Gary Latham University of Toronto, Canada
KiYoung Lee Yonsei University, South Korea
Peggy Lee Arizona State University, USA
Ulrich Leicht-Deobald Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
G. James Lemoine University of Buffalo, USA
Anna Lennard Oklahoma State University System, USA
Michael Lerman Iowa State University, USA
Edward Levitas University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Roy Lewicki Ohio State University, USA
Boshuo Li University of Pittsburgh, USA
Christina Li University of Oklahoma, USA
Dan Li Indiana University, USA
Ning Li University of Iowa, USA
Sali Li University of South Carolina, USA
Shuping Li Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Chenwei Liao Michigan State University, USA
Robert Liden University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Elizabeth Lim Georgia State University, USA
Hao-Chieh Lin National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Katrina Jia Lin The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Haiyang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Songqi Liu Georgia State University, USA
Wenjie Liu City University of Hong Kong, China
Yihao Liu University of Georgia, USA
Edwin Locke University of Maryland, USA
Jeffrey Lovelace University of Virginia, USA
Kevin Lowe The University of Sydney Business School, Australia
Aleksandra Luksyte University of Western Australia, Australia
Sean Lux Texas Tech University, USA
Brent Lyons York University, UK
Jeremy Mackey Auburn University, USA
Peter Madsen Brigham Young University, USA
Carl Maertz University of Louisville, USA
Junghyun Mah The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Faculty of Business, Hong Kong
Debra Major Old Dominion University, USA
Massimo Maoret IESE Business School, Spain
Gideon Markman Colorado State University, USA
Luis Martins University of Texas at Austin, USA
Blake Mathias Indiana University, USA
Russell Matthews The University of Alabama, USA
Todd Maurer Georgia State University, USA
Mary Mawritz Drexel University, USA
Roger Mayer North Carolina State University, USA
Shawn McClean University of Oklahoma, USA
Brian McCormick Northern Illinois University, USA
Dean McFarlin Duquesne University, USA
Aaron McKenny Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Markus Menz University of Geneva, Switzerland
Evelyn Micelotta University of Ottawa, Canada
Steven Michael University of Illinois, USA
Dana Minbaeva Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Thomas Moliterno Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rachel Mui Kansas State University College of Business Administration, USA
Timothy Munyon University of Tennessee, USA
Kevin Murphy Colorado State University, USA
Robert Nason McGill University, Canada
Donald Neubaum Florida Atlantic University, USA
François Neville McMaster University DeGroote School of Business, Canada
Thomas Ng University of Hong Kong, China
Bo Nielsen University of Sydney, Australia
Jordan Nielsen Purdue University, USA
Karen Niven The University of Sheffield, UK
Raymond Noe Ohio State University, USA
Anthony Nyberg University of South Carolina, USA
Christopher Nye Michigan State University, USA
Anne O'Leary-Kelly University of Arkansas, USA
Jane O'Reilly University of Ottawa, Canada
Ernest O'Boyle Indiana University Bloomington Kelley School of Business, USA
Babatunde Ogunfowora University of Calgary, Canada
Abbie Oliver University of Virginia, USA
Ilaria Orlandi Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Fred Oswald Rice University, USA
Desiree Pacheco IESE Business School, Spain
Lingling Pan University of Pittsburgh , USA
Owen Parker The University of Texas at Arlington College of Business, USA
Sotirios Paroutis University of Warwick, UK
Malcolm Patterson University of Sheffield, UK
Stevo Pavicevic Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany
G. Tyge Payne Louisiana State University, USA
Riccardo Peccei King's College London, UK
Olga Petricevic University of Calgary, Canada
Jean Phillips Pennsylvania State University, USA
Shaun Pichler California State University at Fullerton, USA
Jenna Pieper University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Robert Ployhart University of South Carolina, USA
Philip Podsakoff University of Florida, USA
Jeanine Porck Oklahoma State University Stillwater William S Spears School of Business, USA
Caitlin Porter University of Memphis Fogelman College of Business and Economics, USA
Christopher Porter Virginia Tech, USA
Richard Posthuma University of Texas at El Paso, USA
Gary Powell University of Connecticut, USA
John Prescott University of Pittsburgh, USA
Manuela Priesemuth Villanova University, USA
Harshad Puranik University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Matthew Quade Baylor University, USA
Miguel Quiñones University of Richmond, USA
Alannah Rafferty Griffith University, Australia
Daniel Ravid The University of New Mexico, USA
Jochen Reb Singapore Management University, Singapore
Tara Reich King's College London, UK
B. Sebastian Reiche IESE Business School, Spain
Maija Renko DePaul University, USA
Simon Lloyd Restubog University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Taco Reus Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands
Hettie Richardson Texas Christian University, USA
Ansgar Richter Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH, Germany
Jason Ridge University of Arkansas, USA
Joost Rietveld UCL School of Management, UK
Thomas Roulet Judge Business School & King’s College, UK
Alex Rubenstein University of Central Florida College of Business Administration, USA
Deborah Rupp Purdue University, USA
Rommel Salvador California State University, Fullerton, USA
Steve Sauerwald University of Houston, USA
Donald Schepker University of South Carolina, USA
Oliver Schilke University of Arizona, USA
Pauline Schilpzand Oregon State University, USA
Minet Schindehutte Syracuse University, USA
Karen Schnatterly University of Missouri, USA
Jeremy Schoen University of Auckland, New Zealand
Andreas Schwab Iowa State University, USA
Gavin M. Schwarz University of New South Wales, Australia
Matthew Semadeni Arizona State University W P Carey School of Business, USA
Jennifer Sexton Mississippi State University, USA
Noman Ahmed Shaheer The University of Sydney Business School, Australia
Debra Shapiro University of Maryland, USA
Dmitry Sharapov Imperial College London, UK
Barton Sharp Northern Illinois University, USA
Jason Shaw Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dean Shepherd University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business, USA
Taekjin Shin San Diego State University, USA
Lynn Shore Colorado State University, USA
Jeremy Short University of Oklahoma, USA
Lauren Simon Portland State University, USA
Zeki Simsek Clemson University, USA
David Skandera Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
David Sluss Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Troy Smith University of Oklahoma, USA
Katrin Smolka Warwick Business School, UK
Deepak Somaya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Yifan Song Texas A&M University, USA
Sabine Sonnentag University of Mannheim, Germany
David Souder University of Connecticut, USA
Matthias Spitzmueller Queen's University Smith School of Business, Canada
Manish Srivastava Michigan Technological University, USA
Maximilian Stallkamp Virginia Tech, USA
Adam Steinbach University of South Carolina, USA
Regan Stevenson Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Karoline Strauss ESSEC Business School, France
Michael Sturman Rutgers University, USA
Sherry Sullivan Bowling Green State University, USA
Jiaqing Sun The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Shuhua Sun Tulane University Freeman School of Business, USA
Brian Swider University of Florida, USA
Kenneth Tai Singapore Management University, Singapore
Riki Takeuchi Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Hwee Hoon Tan Singapore Management University, Singapore
Stefan Thau INSEAD, France
Chase Thiel The University of Wyoming, USA
Phillip Thompson Virginia Tech, USA
Varkey Titus University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA
David Townsend Virginia Tech, USA
Charlie Trevor University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
María Triana Vanderbilt University, USA
Thomas Tripp Washington State University, USA
Donald Truxillo University of Limerick Kemmy Business School, Ireland
Kerrie Unsworth University of Leeds, UK
Abhijeet Vadera Singapore Management University, Singapore
Karina van de Voorde Tilburg University, Netherlands
Chad Van Iddekinge University of Iowa, USA
Daan van Knippenberg Rice University, USA
Robert Vandenberg University of Georgia, USA
James Vardaman The University of Memphis Fogelman College of Business and Economics, USA
Ryan Vogel Temple University, USA
John Wagner Michigan State University, USA
H. Jack Walker Auburn University, USA
Kate Walsh Cornell University, USA
Jorge Walter George Washington University, USA
William Wan Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Mo Wang University of Florida, Warrington College of Business Administration, USA
Justin Webb University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Curtis Wesley University of Houston, USA
Jennifer Wessel University of Maryland, USA
Margaret Williams University of North Dakota, USA
Trenton Williams Indiana University Kelley School of Business, USA
Kelly Wilson Purdue University, USA
Marcus Wolfe University of North Texas, USA
Mikhail Wolfson University of Kentucky, USA
Elaine Wong University of California-Riverside, USA
Sang Eun Woo Purdue University, USA
Stephen Wood University of Leicester, UK
Patrick Wright University of South Carolina, USA
Chiahuei Wu King's College London, UK
Zhiyan Wu Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Kai Chi Yam National University of Singapore, Singapore
Yoshio Yanadori University of South Australia, Australia
Xiwei Yi Peking University, China
Michele Yoder York College of Pennsylvania, USA
Jihae You University of Memphis, USA
Lingtao Yu University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business, Canada
Tieying Yu Boston College, USA
Miles Zachary Auburn University, USA
Thomas Zagenczyk North Carolina State University at Raleigh, USA
Yuchen Zhang Tulane University, USA
Eric Yanfei Zhao University of Alberta, Canada
Helen Zhao University of Hong Kong, China
Weiting Zheng University of New South Wales, Australia
Jing Zhou Rice University, USA
Le Zhou Texas A&M University, USA
Fabio Zona Universita degli Studi di Trento Dipartimento di Economia e Management, Italy
Michael Zyphur The University of Melbourne, Australia
Managing Editor
Stro Prothro Auburn University, USA
Founding Editor
Dennis F. Ray, 1975-1977 Mississippi State University, USA
Past Editors
Arthur G. Bedeian, 1978-1979 Auburn University, USA
H. K. Downey, 1980-1982 Oklahoma State University, USA
J. G. Hunt, 1983-1986 Texas Tech University, USA
David D. Van Fleet, 1987-1989 Texas A&M University, USA
Ricky W. Griffin, 1990-1992 Texas A&M University, USA
Dan R. Dalton, 1992-1995 Indiana University, USA
Robert P. Vecchio, 1995-1999 University of Notre Dame, USA
K. M. Kacmar, 1999-2002 Florida State University, USA
Daniel C. Feldman, 2002-2005 University of Georgia, USA
Russell Cropanzano, 2005-2008 University of Arizona, USA
Talya N. Bauer, 2008-2011 Portland State University, USA
Deborah E. Rupp, 2011-2014 Purdue University, USA
Patrick M. Wright, 2014-2017 University of South Carolina, USA
David G. Allen, 2018-2020 Texas Christian University, US & University of Warwick, UK
Brian L. Connelly, 2021-2023 Auburn University, USA
  • Business ASAP - Gale
  • Business and Company Resource Center - Gale
  • EBSCO: Business Source - Main Edition
  • Emerald Management Reviews
  • Expanded Academic Index - Gale
  • LexisNexis
  • PAIS International
  • ProQuest: CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • ProQuest: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
  • PsycINFO
  • Scopus
  • Social SciSearch
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • VINITI Abstracts Journal
  • Wilson Business Periodicals Index/Wilson Business Abstracts
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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