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Psychology of Music

Psychology of Music

Other Titles in:
Curriculum | Music | Music/Fine Arts/Drama

eISSN: 17413087 | ISSN: 03057356 | Current volume: 53 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Bi-monthly

Psychology of Music publishes peer-reviewed papers directed at increasing the scientific understanding of any psychological aspect of music. These include studies on listening, performing, creating, memorising, analysing, describing, learning, and teaching, as well as applied social, developmental, attitudinal and therapeutic studies. Special emphasis is placed on studies, which address the interface between music psychology and music education.

"Without doubt, Psychology of Music is the pre-eminent journal in the field. Its reputation as the source of some of the most sophisticated and elegant research in music psychology has long been unparalleled." Professor Robert Walker

"... absorbing, well-researched and tidily presented, frequently thought-provoking and stimulating. The range of topics and educational levels covered is wide and varied. Journals like this serve an admirable purpose to make readily available reliable up-to-date research to support and encourage all musicians and teachers in their joint pursuits." Colin Touchin

"It is my considered opinion that Psychology of Music is now the premier journal of its kind in the world." Edward P. Asmus

Psychology of Music and SEMPRE provide an international forum for researchers working in the fields of psychology of music and music education, to encourage the exchange of ideas and to disseminate research findings.

View the institutional subscription rates: An institutional subscription to Psychology of Music includes a subscription to Research Studies in Music Education (two issues a year, also published by SAGE on behalf of SEMPRE). Subscriptions are available in the usual three ways: combined print and online, print only and e-access only. Please contact the customer services department to subscribe. Individual subscribers can purchase the journals separately in print only.

If you are interested in becoming a member of SEMPRE and receiving a subscription to Psychology of Music as part of your membership dues please contact the SEMPRE membership secretary at:

This journal accepts supplementary materials, e.g. audio/video files, datasets, additional images etc. For more information please see our guidelines

All issues of Psychology of Music are available to browse online.

Psychology of Music
provides collections of free to access articles from the archive, centred around key topics and themes. The collections are collated by individuals across the field, and include an introduction to the topic or theme. Read them here.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

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Psychology of Music publishes peer-reviewed papers directed at increasing the scientific understanding of any psychological aspect of music. These include studies on listening, performing, creating, memorising, analysing, describing, learning, and teaching, as well as applied social, developmental, attitudinal and therapeutic studies. Special emphasis is placed on studies, which address the interface between music psychology and music education.

Published by the Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research (SEMPRE), the journal aims to increase the scientific understanding of all psychological aspects of music and music education. This includes studies on listening, performing, creating, memorizing, analyzing, describing, learning and teaching as well as applied social, developmental, attitudinal and therapeutic studies.

Submissions may be: theoretical critical papers or original empirical investigations containing systematic qualitative or quantitative analyses of relevant data; short research reports and notes which Substantially confirm or extend existing knowledge but which do not justify a full-length paper; or reviews of books, DVDs, CD Roms or online materials. Special emphasis is placed on studies carried out in naturalistic settings, especially those which address the interface between music psychology and music education.

Psychology of Music provides collections of free to access articles from the archive, centred around key topics and themes. The collections are collated by individuals across the field, and include an introduction to the topic or theme. Read them here.

Incoming Joint Editors-in-Chief
Nikki Moran Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh, UK
Michelle Phillips Royal Northern College of Music, UK
Outgoing Editor-in-Chief
Alexandra Lamont Independent Scholar, UK
Assistant Editors
Karen Wise Guildhall School of Music & Drama, UK
Katerina Drakoulaki Mount Holyoke College, MA, USA
Associate Editors
Mayumi Adachi Hokkaido University, Japan
Paolo Ammirante Ryerson University, Canada
Richard Ashley Northwestern University, USA
Arielle Bonneville-Roussy Université de Québec à Montreal, Canada
Warren Brodsky Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Dan Cameron McMaster University, Canada
Hugo Cogo-Moreira Østfold University College, Norway
Annabel J. Cohen University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
Jane Davidson University of Melbourne, Australia
Genevieve Dingle University of Queensland, Australia
Tuomas Eerola University of Durham, UK
Karen Goodman Monclair State University, USA
Alinka Greasley University of Leeds, UK 
Martin Hartmann University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Allan Hewitt University of Strathclyde, UK
Beatriz Ilari Thornton School of Music, University of Southern California, USA
Jennifer Blackwell Northwestern University, USA
Elaine King University of Hull, UK
Amanda Krause James Cook University, Australia
Gunter Kreutz Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg, Germany
Raymond MacDonald University of Edinburgh, UK
Kathryn Marsh University of Sydney, Australia
Adrian C. North Curtin University, Australia
Susan O'Neill Institute of Education, University College London, UK
Adam Ockelford University of Roehampton, UK
Ioulia Papageorgi University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Michelle Phillips Royal Northern College of Music, UK
Dawn Rose Lucerne University of Applied Arts and Sciences, Switzerland
E. Glenn Schellenberg University of Toronto, Canada
Emery Schubert The University of New South Wales, Australia
Neta Spiro Royal College of Music, UK
Jonna Vuoskoski University of Oslo, Norway
Graham Welch University College London, UK
Clemens Wöllner University of Music Freiburg
Editorial Board
Margaret S. Barrett Monash University, Australia
Pamela Burnard University of Cambridge, UK
Eugenia Costa-Giomi Ohio State University, USA
Ian Cross University of Cambridge, UK
Jane Ginsborg Royal Northern College of Music, UK
David J. Hargreaves Roehampton University, UK
Patrik N. Juslin Uppsala University, Sweden
Don Knox Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Mats Küssner Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Siw Graabræk Nielsen Norwegian Academy of Music, Norway
Mark Reybrouck Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Renee Timmers University of Sheffield, UK
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    Institutional, Single Print Issue