Space and Culture
Space and Culture: International Journal of Social Spaces
Space and Culture brings together dynamic, critical interdisciplinary theory and research on social spaces and spatializations, eveyday rhythms and cultural topologies at the interface of urban geography, sociology, cultural studies, studies of time-space, architectural theory, ethnography, media and urban studies, environmental studies. Space and Culture's unique focus is on social spaces, such as retail, laboratory, leisure spaces, suburbia, virtual spaces, diasporic spaces or migrancy, or the home and everyday life.
In every issue, Space and Culture explores and critiques everyday life in contemporary cities, environment, and new media. The Tables of Contents of recent issues illustrate some of our changing discussions.
Space and Culture features peer-reviewed articles on novel topics that are not written about anywhere else, review articles on important topics. Reviews, debates about articles, emerging areas, and the daily life of the journal are blogged at
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This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Space and Culture is an interdisciplinary journal that fosters the publication of reflections on a wide range of socio-spatial arenas such as the home, the built environment, architecture, urbanism, and geopolitics. it covers Sociology, in particular, Qualitative Sociology and Contemporary Ethnography; Communications, in particular, Media Studies and the Internet; Cultural Studies; Urban Studies; Urban and human Geography; Architecture; Anthropology; and Consumer Research. Articles on the application of contemporary theoretical debates in cultural studies, discourse analysis, virtual identities, virtual citizenship, migrant and diasporic identities, and case studies are encouraged.
Justine Lloyd | Macquarie University, Australia |
Michael Schillmeier | Exeter University, UK |
Bas Spierings | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Joost van Loon | Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany |
Myung-Rae Cho | Dankook University, Korea |
Jennifer Craik | University of Canberra, Australia |
Simon Dalby | Balsillie School of International Affairs, Canada |
Michael Dear | University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Ann Game | University of New South Wales, Australia |
Michael Gardiner | University of Western Ontario, Canada |
Larry Grossberg | University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA |
Ken Hillis | University of North Carolina, USA |
Penelope Ironstone | Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada |
Anthony King | State University of New York at Binghamton, USA |
Mirjana Lozanovska | Deakin University, Australia |
Celia Lury | Warwick University, UK |
Michel Maffesoli | Université René Déscartes, Paris V, France |
Christine McCarthy | Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand |
Maya Nanitchkova Öztürk | Bilkent University, Turkey |
Peter Rogers | Macquarie University, Australia |
Will Straw | McGill University, Canada |
Karen Till | Maynooth University, Ireland |
Phillip Vannini | Royal Roads University, Canada |
Sharon Zukin | City University of New York, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.