Low-intensity CBT Skills and Interventions
a practitioner's manual
- Paul Farrand - CEDAR; University of Exeter
Cognitive/Behaviour Therapy | Counselling and Psychotherapy (General) | Mental Health Nursing
This book takes you step-by-step through the Low-intensity CBT interventions, competencies and clinical procedures. It provides a comprehensive manual for trainee and qualified Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners within NHS Talking Therapies anxiety and depression services or for other roles that support Low-intensity CBT.
New to this edition:
- Updated research and references
- Updated further reading and resources
- New chapters covering the different modalities available for remote LI-CBT and their benefits and drawbacks: telephone, email, and video
- New chapter on CBT Self-help in Groups
- New chapter on Working with People from Ethnic Minority Backgrounds
- New chapter on Working with Long-term Health Conditions
- Updated chapter on Patient Assessment
- Updated chapter on Clinical Decision-Making
- Revised chapter on Using Behaviour Change Models
- Updated to reflect changes in the new LI-CBT National Curriculum
Student Resources (Free to access)
1. Worksheet templates and short exercises for a patient to work through independently or a practitioner and patient to work through together are available at https://study.sagepub.com/farrand2e
7.1 Example of a relapse prevention worksheet
12.1 Reflection record for use in clinical skills supervision
14.1 Behavioural activation schedule
14.2 Example of a classifying activity worksheet
14.3 Example of an activity grading worksheet
15.1 Thought diary
15.2 Evidence recording and revised thought
15.3 Behavioural experiments plan
15.4 Behavioural experiments review
17.1 Exposure goal diary
18.1 Jordan’s areas of my life that are really important to me
18.2 Jordan’s worry worksheet
18.3 Jordan’s my types of worry
18.4 Jordan’s my worry time
18.5 My worry time review 1
19.1 Example of an LICBT problem-solving worksheet
19.2 Jamie’s problem list
19.3 Jamie’s problem selection and potential solutions – in book but missing from worksheets
19.4 Advantages and disadvantages analysis
20.1 Sleep diary
20.2 Stimulus control worksheet
20.3 Stimulus restriction worksheet
24.1 Physical symptom diary
2. Workbooks and resources that Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWP) can use in low-intensity training and practice with patients. They cover topics such as ‘Managing Your Worry’, ‘Unhelpful Thoughts’, ‘Facing Your Fears’ and support the specific interventions described in the chapters. Available at https://cedar.exeter.ac.uk/resources/iaptinterventions/
5.1 The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Manual
5.2 Common Mental Health Disorders: Identification and Pathways to Care
12.1 IAPT Supervision Guidance
14.1 Get Active, Feel Good Workbook
14.2 Get Active, Feel Good: Helping Yourself to Get on Top of Low Mood Workbook
14.3 Case study: Jane
14.4 Case study: Mark 12.1 Unhelpful Thoughts: Challenging and Testing Them Out Workbook
15.1 Unhelpful Thoughts: Challenging and Testing Them Out Workbook
16.1 Facing Your Fears Workbook
17.1 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Self-Help Book
18.1 Managing Your Worries Workbook
19.1 From Problems to Solutions Workbook
3. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Self-Help Book (Lovell and Gega, 2011) is from the University of Manchester: https://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=47030
Great explanation of the Low-intensity method. Clearly written and practical. Useful updates on the previous edition.
Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter 1_Low-Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Revolution Not Evolution