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Male Sexual Abuse

Male Sexual Abuse
A Trilogy of Intervention Strategies

August 1994 | 360 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Adolescent and young adult male victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse are focused upon in this clinically sophisticated volume, which examines three intervention approaches to working with these client populations.

Drawing upon adaptations of self-psychology, Gonsiorek describes assessment, treatment planning and individual psychotherapy, including cognitive-behavioural techniques. For working with perpetrators, Bera explores a type of family systems therapy and a victim-sensitive therapy. Finally, a model for working with an ignored population sometimes viewed as untreatable in therapy - young male street prostitutes - is presented by LeTourneau.

John C Gonsiorek
John C Gonsiorek
Some Historical and Background Perspectives on Adolescence and Male Sexual Abuse
A Critique of Current Models in Sexual Abuse
Information on Male Victims of Sexual Abuse
Diagnosis and Treatment of Young Adult and Adolescent Male Victims
An Individual Psychotherapy Model

Walter H Bera
Clinical Review of Adolescent Male Sex Offenders
Treatment Approaches with Adolescent Male Sex Offenders
Victim-Sensitive Offender Therapy
A Systemic/Attributional Perspective

Donald LeTourneau
Adolescent Male Prostitution
A Social Work/Youthwork Perspective

Prevention and Intervention with Male Prostitution
John C Gonsiorek

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ISBN: 9780803937178
ISBN: 9780803937161