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Media Audiences

Media Audiences

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

July 2009 | 1 320 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The relationship between the media and viewers, readers and listeners is complex and consequently 'audiences' have become a key area in media and communications research in the social sciences and humanities. This major reference collection brings together a range of theoretical, methodological and thematically diverse articles and chapters that comprehensively map the most important kinds of work and ideas in international audience studies.

Volume I overviews the history of audience research and the ways that audiences have been conceptualised. It includes papers that consider how debates and discussions about audiences have changed in the context of different media developments. Volume II deals with different ways that audiences and their responses/uses of media have been measured. This volume pays particular attention to the way that audience studies have responded to the challenges of different media. Volume III focusses on specific genres of entertainment, specific media, or on specific media groups. Finally, Volume IV looks specifically at audience research that has tested the way that the media influence society, attitudes and behaviours. The papers reflect a range of the different topics that have been tested and also to give a sense of different methodologies used to test these.

Early Positions
T. Coffin
Television's Impact on Society
B. Berelson
The State of Communication Research
W. Davison
On the Effect of Communication
C. R. Wright
Functional Analysis and Mass Communication
E. Katz and D. Foulkes
On the Use of the Mass Media as "Escape": Clarification of a concept
J. Klapper
Mass Communication Research: An old road surveyed
Audiences as Markets or Public
J. G. Webster
The Audience
J. M. Wober and B. Gunter
Television Audience Research at Britain's Independent Broadcasting Authority, 1974-1984
Audiences, Use and Effects
J. L. Sherry
Flow and Media Enjoyment
A. A. Raney
Expanding Disposition Theory: Reconsidering character liking, moral evaluations and enjoyment
Interpretational Audiences
J. Z. Bratich
Amassing the Multitude: Revisiting early audience studies
K. C. Schroder
Audience Semiotics, Interpretive Communities and the 'Ethnographic Turn' in Media Research
G. T. Schoening and J. A. Anderson
Social Action Media Studies: Foundational arguments and common premises
A. D. Lotz
Assessing Qualitative Television Audience Research: Incorporating feminist and anthropological theoretical innovation
Alternative Theoretical Traditions
K. B. Jensen and K. E. Rosengren
Five Traditions in Search of the Audience
S. M. Livingstone
The Rise and Fall of Audience Research: An old story with a new ending
D. Morley
Active Audience Theory: Pendulums and pitfalls
New Media Perspectives
J. B. Walther, G. Gay and J. T. Hancock
How do Communication and Technology Researchers Study the Internet?
A. Kerr, J. Kucklich, and P. Brereton
New Media - New Pleasures?
J. G. Webster
Audience Flow Past and Present: Television inheritance effects reconsidered
J. P. Robinson
Television and Leisure Time: Yesterday, today and (maybe) tomorrow
H. T. Himmelweit and B. Swift
Continuities and Discontinuities in Media Usage and Taste: A longitudinal study
R. Kubey and M. Csikszentmihalyi
Experience Sampling Methods Applications to Communication Research Questions
A. J. Flanagin and M. J. Metzger
Internet Use in the Contemporary Media Environment
D. Tewkesbury
What do Americans Really Want to Know? Tracking the behaviour of news readers on the internet
Controlled Experiments
A. Fengistein
Does Aggression Cause a Preference for Viewing Media Violence
B. Bushman and A.D. Stack
Forbidden Fruit Versus Tainted Fruit of Warning Labels on Attraction to Television Violence
E. A. Konijn and J. F. Hoorn
Some Like it Bad: Testing a model for perceiving and experiencing fictional characters
D. Williams, S. Capalan and L. Xiang
Can you Hear Me Now? The impact of voice in an online gaming community
Depth Interviews
W. Y. Kim, S. J. Baran and K. K. Massey
Impact of the VCR on Control of Television Viewing
P. Lunt and S. Livingstone
Rethinking the Focus Group in Media and Communications Research
Ethnographic/Observational Research
K. L. Schmitt, K. D. Woolf and D. R. Anderson
Viewing the Viewers: Viewing behaviours by children and adults during television programs and commercials
A. M. Crawley, D. R. Anderson, A. Santomero, A. Wilder, W. Williams, M. R. Evans and J. Bryant
Do Children Learn How to Watch Television? The impact of extensive experience with Blue's Clues on preschool children's television viewing behaviour
D. Lemish
The Rules of Viewing Television in Public Places
Reception Analysis
I. Ang
Culture and Communication: Towards an ethnographic critique of media consumption in the transitional media system
T. Wilson
On Playfully Becoming the 'Other': Watching Oprah Winfrey on Malaysian television
D. Machin and M. Carrithers
From 'Interpretive Communities' to 'Communities of Improvisation'
S. Livingstone
Watching Talk: Gender and engagement in the viewing of audience discussion programmes
S. Eggermont
Developmental Changes in Adolescents' Television Viewing Habits: Longitudinal trajectories in a three-wave panel study
M. L. Mares and W. E. Woodard
In Search of the Older Audience: Adult age differences in television viewing
O. Appiah
Black and White Viewers' Perception and Recall of Occupational Characters on Television
H. Noor
Assertions of Identities Through News Production: News making among teenage Muslim girls in London and New York
R. M. Entman
How the Media Effect What People Think: An information processing approach
A. Muk
Consumers' Intentions to Opt In To SMS Advertising: A cross national study of young Americans and Koreans
Personality and Motivational Factors
C. Lin
Modeling the Gratification Seeking Process of Television Viewing
M. Krcmar and L.G. Kean
Uses and Gratifications of Media Violence: Personality correlates of viewing and liking violent genres
J. W. Shim and B. Paul
Effects of Personality Type on the Use of Television Genre
T. Grimes, L. Bergen, K. Nichols, E. Vernberg and P. Fonagy
Is Psychopathology the Key to Understanding Why Some Children Become Aggressive When They Are Exposed to Violent Television Programming?
S. Murray
'Celebrating the Story the Way it is': Cultural studies, corporate media and the contested utility of fandom
Medium and Genre Factors
J. G. Webster
Beneath the Viewer of Fragmentation: Television audience polarization in a multichannel world
G. Weimann, H. B. Brosius, and M. Wober
TV Diets: Towards a typology of TV viewership
S. Reiss and J. Wiltz
Why People Watch Reality TV?
W. Brooker
Living on Dawson's Creek: Teen viewers, cultural convergence and television overflow
S. Kim
Rereading David Morley's the 'Nationwide' Audience
Intended Effects - Political Campaigning
B. L. Roddy and G. M. Garramone
Appeals and Strategies of Negative Political Advertising
X. Zhao and S. H. Chaffee
Campaign Advertisements Versus Television News as Sources of Political Issue Information
M. Pfau, R. L. Holbert, E. A. Szabo and K. Kaminski
Issue-advocacy versus candidate advertising: Effects on candidate preferences and democratic process
N. A. Valentino, V. L. Hutchings and D. Williams
The Impact of Political Advertising on Knowledge, Internet Information Seeking, and Candidate Preference
Intended Effects - Social Marketing
C. Schooler, J. A. Flora and J. W. Farquhar Moving Toward Synergy: Media supplementation in the Stanford Five-City Project
J. L. Andsager, E. W. Austin and B. E. Pinkleton
Questioning the Value of Realism: Young adults' processing of messages in alcohol-related public service announcements and advertising
Unintended Effects - Activities and Time Use
D. C. Mutz, D. F. Roberts and D. P. van Vuuren
Reconsidering the Displacement Hypothesis
C. M. Koolstra and T. H. van der Voort
Longitudinal Effects of Television on Children's Leisure-time Reading: A test of three explanatory models
Unintended Effects - Antisocial Behaviour
J. L. Freedman
Effect of Television Violence on Aggressiveness
L. Friedrich-Cofer and A. C. Huston
Television Violence and Aggression: The debate continues
J. L. Freedman
Television Violence and Aggression: A rejoinder
J. Savage
Does Viewing Violent Media Really Cause Criminal Violence? A methodological review
Unintended Effects - Public/Private Impression Formation
E. M. Rogers, J. W. Dearing, and D. Brequian
The Anatomy of Agenda-setting Research
D. A. Scheufele
Framing as a Theory of Media Effects
P. Rossler and H.B. Brosius
Do talk Shows Cultivate Adolescents' Views of the World? A prolonged exposure experiment
K. Harrison
Scope of Self: Toward a model of television's effects on self-complexity in adolescence
R. Clement, S.C. Baker, G. Josephson and K. A. Noels
Media Effects on Ethnic Identity Among Linguistic Majorities and Minorities: A longitudinal study of a bilingual setting
Unintended Effects - Cognitive and Emotional Development
G. D. Gaddy
Television's Impact on High School Achievement
M. Buijzen and P.M. Valkenburg
The Effects of Television Advertising on Materialism, Parent-child Conflict, and Unhappiness: A review of research

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ISBN: 9781847875792