Methods for Identifying Biased Test Items
First Edition
- Gregory Camilli - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA, Rutgers, USA
- Lorrie A. Shepard - University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA
May 1994 | 181 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This book makes clear to researchers what item-bias methods can (and cannot) do, how they work and how they should be interpreted.
Advice is provided on the most useful methods for particular test situations. The authors explain the logic of each method - from item-response theory to nonparametric, categorical methods - in terms of how differential item functioning (DIF) is defined by the method and how well the method can be expected to work. A summary of findings on the behaviour of indices in empirical studies is included. The book concludes with a set of principles for deciding when DIF should be interpreted as evidence of bias.
Early Item Bias Indices Based on Classical Test Theory and Analysis of Variance
Item Response Theory as Applied to Differential Item Functioning
Contingency Table Approaches
Interpretations of Bias from DIF Statistics
Conclusions and Caveats