Methods of Research on Human Development and Families
- Theodore N. Greenstein - North Carolina State University, USA
- Shannon N. Davis - George Mason University Korea, George Mason University
September 2019 | 248 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Methods of Research on Human Development and Families is an introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods that teaches students how to be intelligent and critical consumers of research on families. This new book has been adapted from the author team’s previous SAGE text, Methods of Family Research, and includes applications and examples from both family science and human development research. With a focus on interpreting and understanding research techniques rather than doing research, this text illustrates how research on families is conducted and helps students gain the competence and confidence to effectively read, interpret, and critique published research reports.
About the Authors
Chapter 1 Why Do Research on Families and Children?
Chapter 2 The Ethics of Research on Families and Children
Chapter 3 Causal Inference in Research on Families and Children
Chapter 4 Searching and Reading the Literature
Chapter 5 Sampling Issues
Chapter 6 How Do We Measure Concepts?
Chapter 7 Working With Scales and Indices
Chapter 8 Studying Families: Methods for Quantitative Data
Chapter 9 Studying Families: Methods for Qualitative Data
Chapter 10 Studying Families: Mixed Methods
Chapter 11 Using Other People’s Data
Chapter 12 Analyzing Data on Families and Children
Chapter 13 Advanced Topics in Family Data Analysis
Chapter 14 Evaluating Programs in Human Development and Family Science
Chapter 15 Politics of Research on Families and Children
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Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter 1: Why Do Research on Families and Children?
Chapter 2: The Ethics of Research on Families and Children