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"Creswell & Poth's text is clear, comprehensive, and compelling. The students loved this text."
"After almost 6 years of teaching this class using this book, I have yet to find a student who does not like it. This is unusual in textbooks, and it shows me that the writing is clear, yet at a level of complexity that matches my students' needs. My students consider this a kind of 'formula' book, where they can follow the examples and conduct their own study with some guidance from me. I respect what Dr. Creswell has attempted to do for instructors and students, and I appreciate the approaches he takes (both methodologically and text-wise!)."
"The writing is clear and to the point. The use of jargon is minimal. Focusing on five different types of research designs is a friendly way to introduce this topic to students interested in qualitative research."
"The vivid and extended examples of the different approaches to research that is a theme throughout the entire book is a huge strength. Those examples really help learning. In addition, the charts and tables which help the reader make distinctions among the approaches are helpful."
Creswell and Poth provide clear guidelines for qualitative research, the book is an ideal resource for developing the framework for a successful qualitative study and is easy to read.