This is an excellent resource that I will add to the recommended reading section of the course syllabus. However, I find it provides more detail than my students can typically use and digest, so I can't consider it as a primary text.
Excellent structured breakdown of child and adolescent development appropriate for an undergraduate population. I especially like the consistent and methodical nature in which the topic was covered. It is helpful to have a system that students can easily follow.
Offers a comprehensive overview of development for infants, children and adolescents. While there has been a change in the images presented and more representation of our global diversity there is however a need to more intentionality include people of color in being active thinkers and developers of development theories. The theorists and researchers presented in the text continue to be monolithic in terms of race, gender and ability. Additionality I have questions around some of the ableist language used in sections describing disabilities.
It has been the book the college decided to use before I was employed.
School use the textbook before I was employed.