"This is a remarkable book that embraces the challenge of rethinking communication theory. Much more inclusive than most communication volumes, this guidebook offers a rich diversity of voices, along with a conceptual framework for remaking communication theory. Illuminating, innovative, eloquent-and transforming."
"This is a book not only of and for feminist communication theory, but of and for feminists. After a preface that marks and remarks in creative ways how the personal is political, Rakow and Wackwitz offer a compelling account of the need and potential of feminist theorizing for social and structural transformation. The collection represents a range of experiences, problems, voices, and thus will be useful to scholars, students, and activists."
"Feminist Communication Theory will be a classic work for all scholars teaching the field of feminist communication studies. We've waited a long time for a compilation that is theoretically innovative and sophisticated, and Rakow and Wackwitz provide it, along with a series of readings immensely valuable for classroom use. I highly recommend this work and plan to use it in my own teaching."