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'This is a very useful reference guide, something of an 'early years dictionary' which will be useful to a wide audience, particularly as we move forward into a world of more integrated services where practitioners of different professional backgrounds will be working together to provide early years services' - Early Years Update
Cathy Nutbrown offers a concise summary of many issues within the field of child development. Ideal for use in a Child Development and Childcare module for student's at all levels, in particular level 3 which lends itself to a wide and relevant selection of both formative and summative assessment throughout the academic year.
This book provides some very concise chapters introducing concepts whilst others are more in depth. The 'References and Indicative Further Reading' sections at the end of each chapter are substantial and very useful.
I will recommend that students buy a copy of this book because it would be useful to them across the units that they study throughout their degree course. It provides a starting point for their thinking on a range of subjects and the follow-up references would give them a steer about where to go next.
An easy read regarding the key concepts in Early Years. The book has discussion points for all practitioners and students to use to reflect on aspects of their practice. I think this is an essential book for all in Early Years.
Having used this text when I initially trained as a teacher many years ago, I was delighted to review a new edition. This is an ideal book for my module on 'provision for children' and to support my child development module. It is extremely comprehensible and highlights key approaches, theoretical perspectives, considerations essential for a quality early childhood provision. It provides an overview so students can then choose what to examine in more depth.
An easy to read book which covers the key concepts in Early Childhood in a concise and an easy to read way.
This book extends students understanding and knowledge throughout the Early Years. It has been useful to pick relevant sections and the chapter on neurosciences was held in high regard by the students (PGCE Early Years)./ The futher reading suggested were finely tuned to extend the chapters.
This book provides students with accessible and authoritative knowledge on a variety of topics in early years. Contains up to date information and developments in key issues such as, attachment, the foundation stage and babies learning and development. Kathy Nutbrown at her best.
This is a very useful reference book which will be valuable to a range of students and practitioners.
Excellent resource for students who wish to extend their knowledge of a variety of areas within Early Years. A wealth of practical advice as well as guidance in implementing new concepts.
An easy read for new students covering a range of concepts.
An excellent overview. I would highly recommend this book to anyone entering into work with young children, suitable for both under and post- graduate.
Cathy Nutbrown yet again does not fail to inform us and keep us up to date on key areas. This book will be recommended to my students when completing their research assignment and indeed may even give them some new ideas.
The book presents a good starting point for students, particularly undergraduates as it introduces them to a number of concepts which they will encounter during their programme. It is clear, concise and gives students the opportunity to explore key themes and the latest developments in the field of early childhood. As a resource tool, the book may be useful to students who are engaged in the early stages of developing their ideas for a small-scale research project.
This book provides a useful outline of key concepts in early childhood education and care and will be very useful to students studying my second year module.
An excellent book which provides opportunities for students to reflect on their pedadogy and practice. I am going to use it in discussions with my students.
Pitched at the correct level to get the message across without being too theoretical.
This book does what it says on the cover. A really comprehensive overview of current issues in the early years. A must have for reference for all students, to dip in and out.
I have adopted this text for my first year BA Child and Youth Studies module focusing on early childhood philosophy and practice. Offers students insight and good overview of key concepts.