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"The activity sections invite the reader to reflect on what they have discussed, either alone or with a group. As a lecturer who is responsible for research methods teaching and undergraduate and post graduate levels this is a feature that I thoroughly appreciate."
"In a crowded market of literature on research methods, it is refreshing to find and recommend to students an introductory text on qualitative research that is theoretical and practical, and scholarly yet accessible."
An important book for qualitative researchers. I would like to thank SAGE for bringing the book to the field of education. Greetings from Turkey.
Galip ÖNER- Erciyes University-TURKEY
This book provides in-depth and invaluable insights to the varied approaches in qualitative research. The chapters are carefully constructed for easy access with good clear examples of practice.
This book is easy to read and understand for the bachelorstudents. In addition it gives valuable advices for the bachelor thesis
This book provides excellent practical examples to show how different approaches and methods can be implemented. Very accessibly written.
Lichtman’s book is student-friendly. Her writing style will help students to engage easily with the field of qualitative research. It is particularly useful to introduce education students gradually to the terminology, theory and concepts of qualitative research methodology. The book is full of examples that make the reading even easier and more interesting. This book is an excellent introduction to qualitative research in education.
I liked this book a lot, it was a good introductory text for qualitative research and will be especially useful for those Masters students new to research (many of our students on this course are staff and are experienced researchers already).
I recommended this volume to my posgraduate student in our Master of Educational Psychology
really liked this for supporting the undergraduate student project
Very useful and well written text
Interesting book, but somewhat too condensed.
Found it to be a very user friendly text, especially for teachers.
Useful book fully for the undergraduate and doctoral student.
This is a contemporary approach to researching education practice including the field of social media which is a vibrant area for exploration. Overall this is a start up text and is most useful in exploring skills of gathering data. The literature review chapter is particularly helpful in structuring the process and the section on interviewing is also helpful with real world examples that clearly illlustrate techniques in probing in chapter 7 and then differing approaches to the interview are explored more fully in chapter 10.
A little too Americanized for our students, we preferred Baumfield's Action Research in Education, 2nd ed.
Strongly recomend. Very helpful in writing research proposals
Generally good book with nice writing style, but competition with Savin-Baden's guide published by Routledge which I am currently giving full consideration for adoption.
The book gives a good insight of how to conduct a qualitative research and it is a useful reference book for FDA, BA and M level students. I anticipate that it will be used in dissertation supervision.
Very helpful for all our students in Faculty of Education especially in methodology courses in candidate and master levels. Our students like also the support pages on internet.