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"I used the teacher portion of the video in a teacher training with my staff. The found it helpful and informative. I also use the scenarios with my 8th grade students. It helps them to understand the role of the upstander and peacemakers."
"After attending the train-the-trainer bullying prevention workshop directed by Dennis Lewis, I provided bullying prevention training to the entire staff in our public school system, which includes eighteen campuses. The DVD was appropriate for each audience, including administrators, educators, bus drivers, food service providers, and janitorial staffs. The program included modern vignettes of bullying scenarios on the elementary, middle school, and high school levels.
"The Trainer series has been a fantastic tool to use during staff development sessions for our building. The case studies, statistics, and layout make for great discussions and examples to use as I pull from the staff's experiences addressing bullying issues and modifying those scenarios based on the training. Our campus is a work in progress and heading in the right directions because of the teaching from Lewis and Brunner."