Outcome Equity in Education
1994 AEFA Yearbook
- Robert Berne - New York University, New York, USA
- Lawrence O. Picus - University of Southern California, USA
February 1996 | 288 pages | Corwin
The education system in the United States, and its principle of creating equal opportunity in a democratic society, is failing many children. Dissatisfaction with the system has never been higher. Based on a study of New York schools, this comprehensive book examines how social justice issues relate to outcome equity in education, and suggests ways of using resources more effectively in order to improve learning results.
Thomas Sobol
Robert Berne
Robert Berne
Educational Input and Outcome Inequities in New York State
Edmund W Gordon and Carol Bonilla-Bowman
Equity and Social Justice in Educational Achievement
Janet E Levy
A Review of Public Policy Studies on the Use of Outcomes
Edward Zigler and Elizabeth Gilman
What's a School to Do? Meeting Educational and Family Needs
E Belvin Williams and Bella August
Learning from Success
Edward Zigler and Sally J Styfco
A Proposal to Unify Federal Education Programs for Economically Disadvantaged Children
David Rostetter
Flexibility and Accountability
James S Liebman
Managing the Legal Enforcement of Educational Entitlements
Henry M Levin
The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Achieving Educational Equity
Linda Darling-Hammond
Standards of Practice for Learner-Centered Schools
David H Monk
Incorporating Outcome Equity Standards into Extant Systems of Educational Finance
Robert Berne
Summary and Conclusions