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Pierre Bourdieu

Pierre Bourdieu

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Cultural Theory | Social Theory

January 2000 | 1 704 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Derek Robbins provides the first complete assessment of the sociological achievements of one of the key European sociologists of the 20th century. Bourdieu has made decisive contributions to theory, method and professional practice. All are discussed here, providing an unparalleled distillation of Bourdieu's work. The collection: offers a systematic understanding and evaluation of Bourdieu's sociology; demonstrates the relation of Bourdieu to wider research traditions in the social sciences; faithfully represents Bourdieu's multidisciplinarianism; explains why Bourdieu is a key 20th century sociologist.

The collection is edited by one of Europe's leading commentators on Bourdieu. The four volumes stand as the benchmark work on a sociologist who has left an indelible mark on the 20th century and whose legacy will be intensively debated into the next millenium.

Pierre Bourdieu and A Honneth et al
Fieldwork in Philosophy
Pierre Bourdieu and Loic Wacquant
The Personal is Social
Cheleen Mahar
Pierre Bourdieu
The Intellectual Project

Hassan Arfoui
Abdelmalek Sayad in Interview
J Duval and C Gaubert et al
Le `d[ac]ecembre des intellectuels fran[ce]cais
G Li[ac]enard and E Servais
Practical Sense
G L Acciaiolo
Knowing What You Are Doing
A Review of Pierre Bourdieu's

M S Archer
Process without System
R V Robinson and M A Garnier
Class Reproduction among Men and Women in France
Reproduction Theory on Its Home Ground

J-C Passeron
Theories of Socio-Cultural Reproduction
R Griller
The Return of the Subject?
The Methodology of Pierre Bourdieu

K L[um]ofgren
Teacher Education, Statistical methodologies and the Construction of Knowledge
N Kauppi
Scientific Practice and Epistemological A priori
Durkheim, Mauss, L[ac]evi-Strauss, Bourdieu

Cultural Capital
A Caill[ac]e
La sociologie de l'int[ac]er[ci]et est-elle int[ac]eressante?
R Harker
Cultural Capital, Education and Power in New Zealand
An Agenda for Research

B Martin and Szel[ac]enyi
Beyond Cultural Capital
Toward a Theory of Symbolic Domination

J F Ostrow
Culture as a Fundamental Dimension of Experience
A Discussion of Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Human Habitus

C Camic
The Matter of Habit
F H[ac]eran
La Seconde Nature de l'Habitus
Tradition Philosophique et Sens Commun dans le Langage Sociologique

R Brubaker
Social Theory as Habitus in Bourdieu
A Dewerpe
La Strat[ac]egie chez Pierre Bourdieu
C Mahar
An Exercise in Practice
Studying Migrants to Latin American Squatter Settlements

L Pinto
The Theory of Fields and the Sociology of Literature
Reflections on the Work of Pierre Bourdieu

J Jurt
Pierre Bourdieus Theorie des Literarischen Feldes
R Jenkins
Pierre Bourdieu and the Reproduction of Determinism
R K Harker
On Reproduction, Habitus and Education
K D Knorr
Producing and Reproducing Knowledge
Descriptive or Constructive?

D Swartz
Pierre Bourdieu
The Cultural Transmission of Social Inequality

K L Gorder
Understanding School Knowledge
A Critical Appraisal of Basil Bernstein and Pierre Bourdieu

L Wacquant
Reading Bourdieu's`Capital'
O Lee
Observations on Anthropological Thinking about the Culture Concept
Clifford Geertz and Pierre Bourdieu

T Turino
Structure, Context and Strategy in Musical Ethnography
A Smart
Gifts, Bribes, and Guanxi
T Schatzki
Overdue Analysis of Bourdieu's Theory of Practice
G Ritzer
Metatheorizing in Sociology
C Taylor
To Follow a Rule...
R Shusterman
Bourdieu and Anglo-American Philosophy
E Nemeth
Empiricism and the Norms of Scientific Knowledge
Some Reflections on Otto Neurath and Pierre Bourdieu

Tony Andr[ac]eani
Bourdieu au-del[gr]a et en de[ce]ca de Marx
F vandenberghe
The Real is Relational
An Epistemological Analysis of Pierre Bourdieu's Generative Structuralism

A Honneth
The Fragmented World of Symbolic Forms
Reflections on Pierre Bourdieu's Sociology of Culture

C Joppke
The Cultural Dimensions of Class Formation and Class Struggle
On the Social Theory of Pierre Bourdieu

J Frow
Accounting for Tastes
Some Problems in Bourdieu's Sociology of Culture

C Calhoun
Putting the Sociologist in the Sociology of Culture
The Self-Reflexive Scholarship of Pierre Bourdieu and Raymond Williams

F Ringer
The Intellectual Field, Intellectual History and the Sociology of Knowledge
R Brubaker
Rethinking Classical Theory
The Sociological Vision of Pierre Bourdieu'

P Connolly
Racism and Postmodernism
Towards a Theory of Practice

G Murdock
Class Stratification and Cultural Consumption
Some Motifs in the Work of Pierre Bourdieu

J Hamel
Sociology, Common Sense, and Qualitative Methodology
The Position of Pierre Bourdieu and Alan Touraine

W F Hanks
Notes on Semantics in Linguistic Practice
J B Thompson
Introduction to Pierre Bourdieu
Language and Symbolic Power

Cultural Studies
N Garnham and R Williams
Pierre Bourdieu and the Sociology of Culture
An Introduction

P Sulkunen
Society Made Visible - on the Cultural Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu
D E Foley
Does the Working Class Have a Culture in the Anthropological Sense?
Marie-Pierre Le Her
Doing Cultural Studies Bourdieu's Way
B Rigby
Popular Culture as Barbaric Culture
The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu

Pierre Bourdieu
The English Preface to Homo Academicus
L Wacquant
Bourdieu in America
Notes on the Transatlantic Importation of Social Theory

D M Robbins
Bourdieu in England, 1964-1977
D M Robbins
The International Transmission of Ideas
Pierre Bourdieu in Theory and Practice

Lauretta Clough
Bourdieu in (No) Other Words
Everlyn Nicodemus
Bourdieu Out of Europe?
Daniel Simeoni
Transpositioning Social-Science Capital Across Borders
The Cases of Freud, Weber, Bourdieu

Pierre Bourdieu
Social Space and Symbolic Space
M Schiltz
Habitus and Peasantization in Nigeria
A Yoruba Case-Study

G C Bentley
Ethnicity and Practice
W F Hanks
Discourse Genres in a Theory of Practice
H-G Sack
The Relationship between Sport Involvement and Life-Style in Youth Cultures
J Gerhards and H K Anheier
The Literary Field
An Empirical Investigation of Bourdieu's Sociology of Art

J C L Rupp and R de Lange
Social Order, Cultural Capital and Citizenship
An Essay Concerning Educational Status and Educational Power Versus Comprehensiveness of Elementary Schools

Robert Vann
An Empirical Perspectice on Practice
Operationalising Bourdieu's Notions of Linguistic Habitus

Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson
A Cultural Field in the Making
Gastronomy in 19th Century France

Lennart Rosenlund
Cultural Changes in a Norwegian Urban Community
Applying Pierre Bourdieu's Approach and Analytical Framework

G Vom Bruck
A House Turned Inside Out
Inhabiting Space in a Yemeni City

J P Roos and Keijo Rahkonen
In Search of the Finnish New Middle Class
A Goke-Pariola
Language and Symbolic Power
Bourdieu and the Legacy of Euro-American Colonialism in an African Society

T Moi
Appropriating Bourdieu
Feminist Theory and Bourdieu's Sociology of Culture

U Wuggenig and P Mnich
Explorations in Social Spaces
Gender, Age, Class Fractions and Photographical Choices of Objects

R Jenkins
Reading Bourdieu
L Wacquant
How to Read Bourdieu
R U Alvarado
Cataloging Pierre Bourdieu's Books

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ISBN: 9780761964650