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Political Psychology

Political Psychology

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

May 2010 | 1 656 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Political psychology is an interdisciplinary field in which psychological concepts and methods are used to test theories about elite and mass political behaviour. The field draws on a diverse set of disciplinary sources, including anthropology, neuroscience, history, behavioural genetics, psychoanalysis, as well as all branches of psychology. This collection brings together this diverse body of work, organizing it and distilling it into a single vital reference source. Its aim is to provide a definitive set of classic and contemporary readings representing all theoretical, methodological and epistemological approaches to the study of the political psychology, as well as to provide extensive coverage of the myriad areas of political behaviour from a psychological perspective.

Volume One: Theoretical Approaches

Volume Two: Public Opinion and Mass Political Behaviour

Volume Three: International Relations and the Psychology of Political Elites

Volume Four: Intergroup Relations and Political Violence

Introductory Essay
Psychodynamic Theory
Political Convictions

Harold D. Lasswell
The Emergence of the Individual and the Ambiguity of Freedom

Erich Fromm
Psychological Sources of Political Belief: Self-esteem and isolationist attitudes

Paul M. Sniderman & Jack Citrin
Political Socialization
Residues of a Movement: The aging of the protest generation

M. Kent Jennings
Attitude Theory
Attitudes Towards Presidential Candidates and Political Parties: Initial optimism, inertial first impressions, and a focus on flaws

Allyson L. Holbrook, Jon A. Krosnick, Penny S. Visser, Wendy L. Gardner, & John T. Cacioppo
Affect and Emotion
Emotion and Political Judgment

George E. Marcus, W. Russell Neuman & Michael MacKuen
Effects of fear and anger on perceived risks of terrorism: A national field experiment

Jennifer S. Lerner, Roxana M. Gonzalez, Deborah A. Small & Baruch Fischhoff
Political Decision-Making
Human Nature in Politics: The dialogue of psychology and political science

Herbert A. Simon
Mass Public Decisions on Going to War: A cognitive-interactionist framework

Richard K. Hermann, Phillip E. Tetlock & Penny S. Visser
Biological Approaches
Are Political Orientations Genetically Transmitted?

John R. Alford, Carolyn L. Funk & John R. Hibbing
The Social Environment
Threatening Times, 'Strong' Presidential Popular Vote Winners, and the Victory Margin, 1984-1964

Stewart H. J. McCann
Cultural Foundations
The Relevance of Culture for the Study of Political Psychology and Ethnic Conflict

Marc Howard Ross
Political Attitudes: Origins, Structure, Function and Change
The Functional Approach to the Study of Attitudes

Daniel Katz
Structure and Consistency in Public Opinion: The role of core beliefs and values

Stanley Feldman
A Simple Theory of the Survey Response: Answering questions versus revealing preferences

John Zaller & Stanley Feldman
Variability in Automatic Activation as an Unobtrusive Measure of Racial Attitudes: A bona fide pipeline?

Russell H. Fazio, Joni R. Jackson, Bridget C. Dunton & Carol J. Williams
What Triggers Public Opposition to Immigration? Anxiety, group cues, and immigration threat

Ted Brader, Nicholas A. Valentino & Elizabeth Suhay
Political Communication and the Mass Media
The Agenda-Setting Effect

Shanto Iyengar & Donald R. Kinder
Media Framing of a Civil Liberties Conflict and its Effect on Tolerance

Thomas E. Nelson, Rosalee A. Clawson & Zoe M. Oxley
The Political Psychology of Implicit Communication

Tali Mendelberg
Framing Public Opinion in Competitive Democracies

Dennis Chong & James N. Druckman
The Responsive Voter: Campaign Information and the Dynamics of Candidate Evaluation

Milton Lodge, Marco R. Steenbergen & Shawn Brau
Inferences of Competence from Faces Predict Election Outcomes

Alexander Todorov, Anseu N. Mandisodza, Anir Goren & Crystal C. Hall
Psychological Foundations of Political Ideology
A Value Pluralism Model of Ideological Reasoning

Philip E. Tetlock
Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition

John T. Jost et al
Kindred Spirits, Common Spark: The theory of the authoritarian dynamic

Karen Stenner
Political Cognition
Shortcuts versus Encyclopedias: Information and voting behavior in California insurance reform elections

Arthur Lupia
Accessibility and the Political Utility of Partisan and Ideological Orientations

Robert Huckfeldt, Jeffrey Levine, William Morgan & John Sprague
Advantages and Disadvantages of Cognitive Heuristics in Political Decision Making

Richard R. Lau & David P. Redlawsk
Motivated Skepticism in the Evaluation of Political Beliefs

Charles E. Taber & Milton Lodge
Social Influence, Conformity and Obedience
The Structure of Authority

Herbert C. Kelman & V. Lee Hamilton
Rethinking the Psychology of Tyranny: The BBC prison study

Stephan S. Reicher & S. Alexander Haslam
Conflict and Conflict Resolution
Crisis, Stress, and Decision Making

Ole R. Holsti
From Intractable Conflict through Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation: A psychological analysis

Daniel Bar-Tal
Foreign Policy Decision-Making
Deterrence, the Spiral Model, and Intentions of the Adversary

Robert Jervis
The Groupthink Syndrome

Irving L. Janis
Prospect Theory and International Relations: Theoretical applications and analytical problems

Jack S. Levy
Assessing Political Group Dynamics: A test of the groupthink model

Philip E. Tetlock et al
Problem Representation
Information Processing, Perception, and Misperception

Yaacov Y. Vertzberger
Psychobiography, Psychohistory & Leadership
Leader Appeal, Leader Performance, and the Motive Profiles of Leaders and Followers: A study of American presidents and elections

David G. Winter
Presidential Style: Personality, biography, and performance

Dean Keith Simonton
Theories of Intergroup Relations
Stereotypes and Prejudice: Their automatic and controlled components

Patricia G. Devine
Symbolic Politics: A socio-psychological theory

David O. Sears
The Psychology of Group Conflict and the Dynamics of Oppression: A social dominance perspective

James Sidanius
From Social to Political Identity: A critical examination of social identity theory

Leonie Huddy
When do Welfare Attitudes become Racialized? The paradoxical effects of education

Christopher M. Federico
Patriotism and Nationalism
On the Varieties of National Attachment: Blind versus constructive patriotism

Robert T. Schatz, Ervin Staub & Howard Lavine
Political Tolerance
The Sources of Political Tolerance: A multivariate analysis

John L. Sullivan, George E. Marcus, Stanley Feldman & James E. Piereson
Gender Gaps in Sociopolitical Attitudes: A social psychological analysis

The Psychology of Terrorism: An agenda for the 21st Century

Martha M. Crenshaw
Social Justice
Psychological Models of the Justice Motive: Antecedents of distributive and procedural justice

Tom R. Tyler
The Roots of Evil: Social conditions, culture, personality, and basic human needs

Ervin Staub
Political Protest and Transformation
Relative Deprivation and the Impetus to Violence

Ted Robert Gurr
Collective Political Action
Politicization of Collective Identity: Farmer's identity and farmer's protest in the Netherlands and Spain

Bert Klandermans, Jose Manuel Sabucedo, Mauro Rodriguez Marga de Weerd

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1: A Sketch of Political Psychology

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781848607095