The Three-Dimensional Power Debate: Power over as Domination
The Concept of Political Power
Robert Dahl
How to Study Community Power: The Pluralist Alternative
Nelson W. Polsby
Bachrach, Peter and Baratz, Morton (1962): The Two Faces of Power
Clarence Stone
Decisions and Nondecisions: An Analytic Framework
Peter Bachrach and Morton Baratz
Nondecisions and the Study of Local Politics
Raymond E. Wolfinger
Comment: On Issues and Nonissue in the Study of Power
Fredrick W. Frey
Rejoiner to Freys "Comments"
Raymond E. Wolfinger
Nondecisions and Power: The Two Faces of Bachrach and Baratz
Geoffrey Debenham
Power and Its Two Faces Revisited: A Reply to Geoffrey Debnam
Peter Bachrach and Morton Baratz
Rejoiner to "Comment" by Peter Bachrach and Morton S. Baratz
Geoffrey Debnam
Critical Note: A Critique of Steven Lukes "Power: A Radical View"
Alan Bradshaw
Critical Note: Reply to Bradshaw
Steven Lukes
"Objective" Interests and the Sociology of Power
T. Benton
Power, Interests and the Outcome of Struggles
Barry Hindess
Steven Lukes on the Concept of Power
Peter Morriss
Power as Capacity for Action: Power to as Empowerment
On the Concept of Political Power
Talcott Parsons
"Power" in the Recent Writings of Talcott Parsons
Anthony Giddens
Hannah Arendt's Communications Concept of Power
Jurgen Habermas
Power and freedom
Freedom as Antipower
Philip Pettit
Power and Liberalism
Peter Morriss
Foucault and the Foucault Effect
Politics and the Study of Discourse
Michel Foucault
Truth and Power
Michel Foucault
The Subject and Power
Michel Foucault
Political Power Beyond the State: Problematics of Government
Niklas Rose and Peter Miller
Liberal Government and Authoritarianism
Mitchell Dean
Habermas and Foucault: Thinkers for Civil Society?
Bent Flyvbjerg
Critique of Foucault and Foucauldian Analysis
Foucault on Freedom and Truth
Charles Taylor
Michel Foucault: A Young Conservative?
Nancy Fraser
The Politics of Michel Foucault
Michael Walzer
Hegemony, Ideology, Discourse
Post-Marxism without Apologies
Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe
Review Article: How we do Things with Words - Contemporary Approaches to the Analysis of Ideology
Aletta Norval
Discourse as a Strategic Resource
Cynthia Hardy, Ian Palmer and Nelson Phillips
The British/US Power Perspectives and Foucauldian Analysis: Confrontations and Synthesis?
The Disciplinary Society: From Weber to Foucault
John O'Neill
The Fourth Face of Power
Peter Digesser
Radical Revisions: Power, Discipline and Organizations
Stewart Clegg
De-facing Power
Clarissa Hayward
Reflections on Seven Forms of Power
Mark Haugaard
Power and Structure: Agency and Constraint
Beyond the Three faces of Power: A Realist Critique
Jeffrey C. Isaac
Power, Structural Resources and Agency
J. M. Barbalet
Social Space and Symbolic Power
Pierre Bourdieu
Power and Structuration Theory
Rob Stones
Nobody to Shoot? Power, Structure and Agency: A Dialogue
Clarissa Hayward and Steven Lukes
Power, Gender, Sexuality, Identity
Five Faces of Oppression
Iris Marrion Young
Revisiting Bodies and Pleaures
Judith Butler
Beyond the Master/Subject Model: Reflections on Carole Patemans Sexual Contract
Nancy Fraser
Recognition without Ethics
Nancy Fraser
Rethinking Power
Amy Allen
Power in Critical Theory
Power and Critique
Saar Martin
Recognition or Redistribution: Changing Perspectives on the Moral Order of Society
Axel Honneth
Recognizing Domination: Recognition and Power in Honneths Critical Theory
Amy Allen
Power, Culture and Status
Centres, Kings and Charisma: Reflections on the Symbolics of Power
Clifford Geertz
Civil Religion in America
Robert N. Bellah
The Democratic Struggle for Power: The 2008 Presidential Campaign in the USA
Jeffrey Alexander
Meaning and Military Power: Moving on From Foucault
Philip Smith
Power and International Politics
The Balance of Power: Prescription, Concept or Propaganda
Ernest B. Haas
Structural Realism after the Cold War
Kenneth N. Waltz
Power Analysis and World Politics: New Trends versus Old Tendencies
David A. Baldwin
State power and the Structure of International Trade
Stephen D. Krasner
Structural Power: The Limits of Neorealist Power Analysis
Stefano Guzzini
Power in International Politics
Michael Barnett and Raymond Duvall
Political Agency in a Globalizing World: Toward a Structurational Approach
Philip G. Cerny
Power and the Battle for Hearts and Minds: On the Bluntness of Soft Power
Steven Lukes
Why Soft Power isnt so Soft: Representational Force and the Sociolinguistic Construction of Attraction in World Politics
Janice Bially Mattern
Analytic Approaches to Power
Macht, Power, Puissance: Democratic Prose or Demonical Poetry?
Raymond Aron
Some Problems in Defining Social Power
Denis Wrong
Two Concepts of Coercion
Terence Ball
The Concept of Power: A Constructivist Analysis
Stefano Guzzini
Power: A Family Resemblance Concept
Mark Haugaard
Mathematical and Rational Choice Models of Power
A Method for Evaluating the Distribution of Power in a Committee System
L. S. Shapley and Martin Shubik
Voting Power Measurement: A Story of Misreinvention,
Machover Moshe and Dan S. Felsenthal
Capitalists Rule OK? Some Puzzles about Power
Brian Barry
Resources, Power and Systematic Luck: A Response to Barry
Keith Dowding