Primary English Teaching
An Introduction to Language, Literacy and Learning
- Robyn Cox - Australian Catholic University, Australia
The contributors explore new initiatives in primary language teaching, putting these into their theoretical context, and offer practical ideas, helping students to make the bridge from studying to be a teacher, through to the beginnings of their teaching career. Diversity and aspects of special educational needs are also considered in each section of the book.
This book will be essential reading both for undergraduate students of education, as well as for PGCE students.
'In An Introduction to Primary English Teaching: Language, Literacy and Learning, Lecturers from the field of Initial Teacher Education have pooled their extensive practical and theoretical knowledge to provide a new ITE text book that is both comprehensive and accessible to trainee teachers. This book will make a useful contribution to reading lists for both Primary and Early Years students. The range of content is extensive and engaging, and will ensure that readers are equipped to develop their skills of reflection and analysis in relation to primary English, language and literacy issues, as well as to take on the practical challenges of literacy teaching and learning in educational settings' -
Clare Dowdall, Professor at University of Plymouth
'The editor and contributors in
the book have done an amazing job in communicating complex theories and
research findings in ways that can be easily taken up by practicing primary teachers.
There is also an important feature of the book that needs special mention. Throughout the book, readers may find various boxes that guide their reading. ‘Research Boxes’ contain references to seminal studies and their major claims on selected topics. ‘Task Boxes’ may be used by readers to reflect and clarify their understandings of the relevant issues. ‘Teaching Ideas Boxes’ list useful ‘springboard’ ideas that can be tried by readers in their pedagogical contexts'
-Teacher Development
This is an excellent book for student and initial teachers. The book clearly sets out the main themes of primary English teaching in an accessible and effective way. The student is guided through pedagogic approaches and the theory which underpins them. There are tasks to work throughout each chapter and this deepens the student's understanding of the subject.
An accessible book that will bring complex theories to life for students and early practitioners. Task boxes and research boxes support the development of further knowledge and encourage the reader to delve further into this interesting and important area of teaching.
A very useful book for teacher trainees and for teachers looking to explore English learning in depth.
A comprehensive account of teaching English in the primary curriculum. There is a good balance of theory and research matched to practical tasks in order to equip trainees with the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective Literacy teachers in today's primary schools.
We are going to ask trainees to use this as one of their core texts. The content is pertinent to our module with key issues covered.
This is a good introduction to the teaching of English which I will refer to and suggest the students seek out for further reading when they start their ITT.
The conversational style and clearly demarked research boxes and classroom activities encourage the student teacher to start with their own understanding of language as they develop their abilities in literacy teaching.
This is a good introduction to the basics of English teaching in primary classrooms. It is a worthy starting point that students can use before using other texts to explore issues in more depth.
This text is central for English and provides a useful background for students and teachers new to HE.