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Prisons and Punishment

Prisons and Punishment

Three Volume Set
Edited by:

August 2008 | 1 184 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Prisons and Punishment provides a critical introduction to the main debates and dilemmas associated with prisons, imprisonment and punishment, and will acquaint readers with the most interesting and influential literature that has shaped the field. The three-volume set of original classic and contemporary readings is designed to introduce readers to the history and development of prisons, to contemporary theories and issues relating to prison populations, to sociological and psychological literature on the 'effects' of imprisonment, to debates about the management and privatisation of the prison estate and to controversial issues and emerging trends in punishment across the globe.

Prisons and Punishment is particularly timely because of the exponentially growing prison populations in many countries and because of new cultures of control which are criminalizing increasing numbers of people and creating a crisis in the penal system.

Volume 1 The Meaning of the Prison: Punishment in an Historical and Comparative Context outlines the emergence of the modern prison and explores differing contemporary models of imprisonment in various parts of the world.

Volume 2 Prisoners and Prison Communities explores the pervasive characteristics and 'effects' of imprisonment from sociological and psychological perspectives. It discusses life in prison for all its occupants, and also considers the effects of imprisonment on prisoners' families.

Volume 3 Punishment: Controversial Issues and Emerging Debates examines prisons in market societies, covering recent moves towards increasing managerialism and greater accountability, prison inspection and human rights issues. It looks at some of the most controversial issues and problems blighting prison systems around the world and discusses the notion of a 'carceral society'.

Prisons and Punishment is the definitive tool with which to navigate the fields of penology and prison studies. Each volume in this definitive set includes an introduction by the editor.

Part 1: Punishment in a Time of Social, Cultural and Economic Change
Social Change and Social Order in Late Modernity

Understanding Prison Policy and Population Trends

D. Garland
What is Penal Populism?

T. Caplow and J. Simon
Introducing Comparative Penology

Pratt, J.
Opposing Outcomes of the Industrial Prison: Japan and the United States Compared

M. Cavadino and J. Dignan
Barter: Russia's 'Penal Micro-Economy'

E.H. Johnson
L. Piacentini
Part 2: Diverse Approaches to Understanding Imprisonment
The Proper Use of Imprisonment

From Nothing Works to What Works: Changing professional ideology in the 21st Century

R. Morgan
Therapy at Grendon

F.T. Cullen and P. Gendreau
The New Generation Jail: An Overview

E. Genders and E. Player
Can Prisons Be Legitimate? Penal Politics, Privatisation and the Timeliness of an Old Idea

L.L. Zupan and B.A. Menke
R. Sparks
Part 3: Managerialism and the Market
The New Penology: Notes on the Emerging Strategy of Corrections and its Implications

Crime Control as a Product

M. Feeley and J. Simon
Crime as Good Business: The impact of the free market

N. Christie
Punishment, Markets and the American Model: An essay on a new American dilemma

V. Stern
Juvenile Crime Pays - But at What Cost

M. Andrews
A. Friedman
Part 1: The 'Characteristics' of Imprisonment
On the Characteristics of Total Institutions: The inmate world

The Pains of Imprisonment

E. Goffman
The Closed Emotional World of the Security Wing

G. Sykes
The Disrupted Society

S. Cohen and L. Taylor
Fear and Vulnerability

T. Mathiesen
K. Edgar, I. O'donnell and C. Martin
Part 2 Coping, Adaptation and Resistance
The First Cut is the Deepest: Psychological breakdown and survival in the detention setting

Behavior and Adaptation in Long-Term Prison Inmates: Descriptive longitudinal results

J.J. Gibbs
The Changing Nature of Interpersonal Relationships in a Women's Prison

E. Zamble
Resistance and Violence: Power, Intimidation and Control of Space

K.R. Greer
Prison Riots in the US

K. Mcevoy
Robert Adams
Part 3: The 'Other' Prison Population: Officers and governors

Transition of the Guard Force

J. Irwin
Mind Games: Where the action is in prisons

J. Jacobs
Them and US? How Officers See Prisoners

K. Mcdermott and R. King
Managing Prisons: A difficult public profession

E. Crawley
A. Coyle
Part 1: The 'New Punitiveness'
Project Exile: Race, the war on crime and mass imprisonment

Supermax Meets Death Row: Legal struggles around the new punitiveness in the US

J. Simon
The Myth of Punitiveness

M. Lynch
Engaging with Punitive Attitudes towards Crime and Punishment: Some strategic lessons from England and Wales

R. Matthews
M. Ryan
Part 2: Social Exclusion, Bias and Imprisonment
Bias in the Criminal Justice System


M. Cavadino and J. Dignan
Prisoner Society in the Era of Hard Drugs

J. Masters
Men Behind Bars: "Doing" Masculinity as an Adaptation to Imprisonment

B. Crewe
Understanding How Race, Class, and Gender Impact the Health of Incarcerated Women

Y. Jewkes
Work, Training, Education

R. L. Braithwaite
Prisoner Reentry: Public safety and reintegration challenges

R.P. Dobash, R.E. Dobash and S. Gutteridge
J. Petersilia
Part 3: Alternative Approaches to Punishment: The expanding carceral net?
Campaigning For And Campaigning Against Prisons: Excavating and Re-Affirming S The Case for Prison Abolition

Prisoners' Rights in the Context of the European Convention on Human Rights

M. Ryan and J. Sim
Reparative and Restorative Approaches

S. Livingstone
Demanding but not Degrading? The Appeal of Community Punishment and Electronic Monitoring

G. Mcivor
The Punitive City; Notes on the Dispersal of Social Control

A. Worrall and C. Hoy
Behind the Gates: Life, security and the pursuit of happiness in fortress America

S. Cohen

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ISBN: 9781847870230